instituting class teaching as a vital part of the Christian Science movement, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, was unquestionably inspired.
is a great call today for each of us to play his part in dealing with world conditions, as the work of reconstruction and rehabilitation proceeds.
afternoon the writer turned away from studying about the one and only creation, which in its spiritual intactness and perfection exists throughout all eternity, and looked from the porch where she was sitting out to sea.
Were we all able to realize that the infinite plan, unfolding universally and individually, will today be revealed to us in its goodness according to God's law, we should not wish to see "the distant scene.
, like the dawning, will surely come,Wrapping a bright robe around you;And sweet as the dawning, Love will come,With angels that followed and found you!
and unmistakably Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, pointed out to Christian Scientists the absolute necessity of freeing their lives from all fear.
newcomer to Christian Science will soon discover in the Church Manual the beautiful prayer used by all Christian Scientists: "'Thy kingdom come;' let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me, and rule out of me all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them!".
Applications for membership in The Mother Church are acted upon by The Christian Science board of Directors, twice each year, as provided for by the Manual of The Mother Church, Article XIII, Section 2.
A small number of Christian Scientists, including a practitioner, were interned in Stanley Civilian Internment Camp, some twelve miles out of Hong Kong, on January 22, 1942.
The response to the opportunity offered librarians in the Sentinel of May 29, 1943, to share their rich experiences in Reading Room service, has been favorable.
To people the world over who have had their sons taken from high school before graduation and inducted into the armed forces, I wish to send this testimony of gratitude to God.
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