research has discovered many substitutes for the genuine in the line of material things, but no substitute have been found for the things of the Spirit, the finer things which distinguish man from the animal.
Lesson-Sermon read on Sunday in Christian Science churches throughout the world has a special function in its unifying effect on those who study it.
individual's dominion over whatever would undermine his health and rob him of his God-given heritage of joy, happiness, and freedom is realized only as he understands the nothingness of evil and enters his protest against the claims of mortal mind.
small English word of three letters, "why," seems innocent enough, as it generally poses the question as to the cause, reason, or purpose of something.
and Christianity are inseparable, the two wings on which one reaches the sublime heights of spiritual understanding, where are revealed the power of God and the goodness of His creation.
Weekday classes in religious education conducted on released school time for public school pupils are being held in all but a few states of the United States, as well as in Canada.
The printed Tenets of The Mother Church are in general use by branch churches and societies, either as a basis for their application forms for admission to membership or for binding into their by-law booklets.
It is a joy and privilege to testify to the innumerable blessings and healings which have been mine for thirty years because of the understanding which Christian Science has brought me of the all-power of God, good, and of the harmonious activity of His ever-present spiritual laws.
It is with a heart filled with gratitude to God for Christian Science and appreciation of the life and work of Mary Baker Eddy that I send this testimony from "somewhere in France.
I think it is time I wrote a testimony concerning the healing and protective efficacy of Christian Science, since I have had the great joy of demonstrating it for many years.
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