those who have experienced the blessings of Christian Science, and who are so grateful therefor that they desire to share these blessings with others, the question comes, What can we do to promote the Cause of Christian Science that others may be benefited and that God's kingdom may be established here and now?
lay very still in her upper bunk on the spacious sleeping porch, but she was not listening to the story her camp counselor, who was also her riding teacher, was reading to the group.
Ever since I was a child of eight, Christian Science has been my only help, so it is with great gratitude for the many blessings and healings that have been mine through the years that I submit this testimony.
When Christian Science was first brought to my attention, I had as bad health as it is possible for a human being to have and still be actively employed.
It is with deepest gratitude to Christian Science that I verify the testimony written by my mother concerning the many physical healings and the blessings that have come to us all.
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