I should like to express my...

I should like to express my gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me. In 1939 I was stricken with a so-called incurable malady diagnosed as dropsy. Five physicians said it was just a question of time before I should pass on. For about three years I was confined to my bed, and part of the time I had to have two nurses with me. On two occasions my relatives were called to my bedside because I was expected to pass on.

I was early taught to attend Sabbath school and church, and during my long lifetime I have heard some fine discourse by very able men. At the time of my illness, however, I was still not satisfied with the religions I had investigated and felt I was groping in the darkness. But thanks to Christian Science. I can now begin to see the light of Truth.

My healing, which took place two years ago has been complete. I am very grateful to God to Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and to the practitioners, through whose help my awakening to Truth came. I sincerely hope that this experience may help some other wayfarer to find the kingdom of heaven on earth.—John Clark Coker, Dallas, Texas.

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Testimony of Healing
"They shall abundantly utter...
November 25, 1944

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