are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted," is the promise which our Master, Christ Jesus, has given us, and Christian Science fulfills this promise literally by dissolving mental anguish and destroying sorrow.
A Woman
who was ill was counseled by a friend to express appreciation of Christian Science by making a list of twenty-five things for which she was grateful.
of mortal mind's clouds can settle long upon the mental horizon of him who loves God, who arms himself with good intention and right desire; who prays for the ability to express discernment and insight which will enable him to conform accurately to the Principle of Christian Science.
question as to how much sovereignty the larger nations will be willing to surrender, or delegate, to a council of nations is a most crucial one in connection with ensuring adequate protection for humanity against war, and freedom for men to follow the pursuits of peace.
The issuing of our annual report this year gives opportunity to express profound gratitude to God for preserving this country through an especially trying period during which the threat of invasion and other dangers hung over us.
Hulda Williams
with contributions from Mary Carlson
Words cannot begin to express my gratitude to God for Christian Science, and for the Wednesday evening meetings, where we have the opportunity and privilege of telling about healings in Christian Science.
My deep appreciation of and love for Christian Science and its beloved Discoverer and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy, are engendering in me an ever-growing desire to help others as I have been helped.
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