It is a number of years since I...

It is a number of years since I was led to seek healing through Christian Science. At that time I was a constant, hopeless sufferer from several diseases. Various treatments had been tried, many medicines taken, a major operation undergone—all these without any relief. I should have given up the struggle but for the thought of my two small children being left motherless. Then I was told that people were being healed through Christian Science treatment. With fear and trembling, without faith, and only as a last resort, I decided to try it.

When a practitioner explained a little of the teachings of Christian Science, it was as though the sunlight had suddenly flooded a dark room. Although I had been a member of an orthodox church for a number of years, the right concept of God and of man, revealed by Christian Science, was a revelation to me. I was healed.

I thank God, for His promises are fulfilled. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find." Throughout the years Truth has supplied my every need. Many healings have been experienced, including those of smallpox, broken bones, and fevers. I am deeply grateful for the comfort and sustaining power of divine Love when I faced a great sorrow.

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Testimony of Healing
I feel that I have delayed too...
January 8, 1944

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