A Great
man with the problems of a nation on his hands once said that he had been driven many times to his knees in prayer because there was nowhere else to go.
are living in an age which has frequently been acclaimed by many as one of progress, and certainly much improvement has been achieved in methods of government, in education, and by numberless mechanical inventions which have secured a better, more refined standard of life.
these difficult times, when the world seems to be held in a mesmerism of war and upheaval, one who has some understanding of the Science of Christianity as practiced by Christ Jesus, and as revealed in our time by Mary Baker Eddy, grows increasingly grateful for the light of Truth illuming the path of thought and leading to the demonstration of peace in individual consciousness.
young student finds many opportunities to apply the teachings of Christian Science to the numerous problems that arise in connection with school or college work.
The Mother Church Wartime Fund is being drawn upon more and more heavily as the Christian Science Camp Welfare Activities increase with the development of the war effort.
theory that humanity is inevitably at the mercy of pain and suffering, loss and failure, is contrary to the teaching of Christ Jesus, and it is wholly refuted in Christian Science.
fervently to God I daily prayedThat I might wake from out my doubting night,And lo, at dawn I saw the shadows fade,And pain and ill receded from my sight.
At a time when many younger students of Christian Science are possibly wondering what the understanding gained from this study will do for them in time of war, I trust that my expression of gratitude will be helpful and encouraging.
At the time when I began the study of Christian Science I had been going to a medical doctor twice a week for about a year and a half for treatments for a severe backache which had brought me to the verge of a nervous and physical breakdown.
Mary E. Rankin
with contributions from John D. Rankin
With sincere gratitude I offer this testimony of the many blessings received, and also of the wonderful protection afforded us, through Christian Science.
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