soldier would fear the forefront of the battle if he knew that there encompassed him a presence and power which the shafts of danger could not penetrate.
follows wrong-doing, either because of the suffering which disobedience to a wise law has occasioned or through the heaven-born aspiration for a higher life.
Christian Scientist who has often proved the power of God to heal sickness, sin, or some other form of discord, may withhold an audible expression of gratitude at a Wednesday evening meeting because a present problem, perhaps of long standing, remains unsolved.
After my mother had overcome a condition of paralysis through Christian Science about twenty-eight years ago, she urged me to try this healing religion.
What a wonderful blessing is Christian Science to those who are in the wilderness of hate and fear! When in my journey from sense to Soul I became conscious of the fact that I hated no one, my happiness was very great.
Jessie D. Wilson
with contributions from Beverly B. Frost
This testimony is given to express in some measure my great gratitude for the many blessings that my family and I have had through the study and application of Christian Science over a period of twenty years.
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