men and women who today are asking, "How can one individual effectively help in banishing from the earth the evils of want, war, sin, disease, and death?
A Comparatively
new student of Christian Science whose work required that he obtain much confidential information from the heads of large industrial concerns, and who was obliged to establish full confidence in himself and his own business house for this purpose, went one day to see the head of an organization with which neither he nor his company had previously dealt.
Some time ago, the cumulative effects of bitterness, resentment, and regret, which had occupied much of my thinking, became physically manifested in a skin disease that was very painful and disfiguring.
Alice I. Walker
with contributions from William R. Walker
Every true Christian Scientist wishes to bear witness to the power of the Word as it has been operative in his own experience, to the end that others may be encouraged to seek and to find the practical way to peace, health, and happiness.
I am happy to testify to the many blessings which both my family and I have enjoyed through the understanding I have gained of Christian Science in the past ten years.
It is with profound gratitude and a sincere desire to help those who have, perhaps, been struggling to work out a problem which seems both stubborn and slow in yielding, that I give this testimony.
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