the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, the Master, Christ Jesus, brought out that even to the laborers hired in the eleventh hour a full wage was given.
an encouraging and loving admonition is found in the Master's words, "Lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh"! What tender understanding it betokens, what compassion to all who are struggling with a false sense of discord, of loneliness, doubt, and self-pity, for it shows the way out of the tangled web of wrong thinking.
readers have sometimes wondered why the angels, those gracious messengers from God who frequently appear in Bible narratives, are no longer seen by men.
history of civilization holds the records of many men and women who have dared to stand for the truth as they saw it, and in so doing have been instrumental in the establishment and development of freedom, justice, law, and order in human society.
Columbia West Coast "Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System stations in western United States, by Albert C. Oakley,
A Christian Science period in the Columbia West Coast "Church of the Air" series was conducted from Station KGVO, Missoula, Montana, on Sunday morning, July 16, 1939, at eight o'clock, by Albert C.
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with contributions from Benjamin M. Hulsh, Grayce R. Dudley, Arthur Ayres, Volney W. Shepard, John Lawrence Sinton, Earl R. Barnes, John Carver MacLaren, Ray F. Earles, Eulah B. Reid, Margaret W. Marshall
It was not until I had experienced much unhappiness that I was ready to turn to Christian Science, although I knew of it when I was a small child, through a healing in our home.
The printed Tenets of The Mother Church are in general use by branch churches and societies, either as a basis for their application forms for admission to membership or for binding into their by-law booklets.
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with contributions from Benjamin M. Hulsh, Grayce R. Dudley, Arthur Ayres, Volney W. Shepard, John Lawrence Sinton, Earl R. Barnes, John Carver MacLaren, Ray F. Earles, Eulah B. Reid, Margaret W. Marshall