often are those unenlightened by Christian Science bowed with sickness, sin, poverty, and fear of the morrow! Amidst this sense of discord, they ask, How is it possible to obey the Scriptural command, "Rejoice in the Lord alway"?
the Education page of The Christian Science Monitor of October 3, 1936, appears a story of how, through the tactful and judicious direction of her teacher, a little girl learned to sing in public, free from all sense of self-consciousness or fear.
prepared the supper and served himWhom the Pharisees scoffed at and mocked;Precious to her were the shining curved rimOf his glass and the lintel his hand had knocked.
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
A contribution to the column headed "The Public Health," in your issue of May 15, when referring to certain physicians as writing prescriptions in a way that does not reveal to their patients what they are taking, said, "In this respect they are practicing Christian Science—operating on the minds of their patients.
Miss Ellen Graham, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
In the report of the Modern Churchmen's Conference at Oxford in your issue of today, a clergyman classifies Christian Science along with Coueism and autosuggestion as examples of "several kinds of psychotherapy.
A kindly attitude towards Christian Science and Christian Scientists has been manifested by many publishers in printing our Lesson-Sermon excerpts and reporting our Christian Science lectures in whole or in part.
What inspired the prophet Isaiah to record this divine counsel, "Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me"?
with contributions from Mary K. McMahon, Jeannette F. Easley, Amelia Frost Stewart, Kate Smith, Cecil I. Cullom, William T. McCullough, Ella M. Hopkins, Jane A. Warren
The words of Isaiah, "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose," have been beautifully manifested in my own experience, for before I came into into Christian Science my consciousness was so filled with fear and foreboding that much of the joy was taken out of life.
While the physical healings and numberless other blessings which have come to me since taking up the study of Christian Science have been truly remarkable, I am most grateful for having found the true way of Life as Love.
I did not come to Christian Science primarily for physical healing, as I seemed to be in excellent health at the time Christian Science was presented to me.
Through the study of Christian Science happiness has come into my life under conditions which we are humanly educated to believe would make us miserable.
Elzada Hughes
with contributions from Elizabeth Hughes
It is with a great desire to express in some measure the deep gratitude I feel for the many manifestations of good which have come to my family and me through the study and application of Christian Science that I send this testimony.
God,Let me not forget,When called to aid my brother man,The years I spent in the vestibuleOf Thy house,AwaitingThe ripening of consciousness,To see and do Thy will.
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with contributions from Mary K. McMahon, Jeannette F. Easley, Amelia Frost Stewart, Kate Smith, Cecil I. Cullom, William T. McCullough, Ella M. Hopkins, Jane A. Warren