a study of the teachings of the Master, Christ Jesus, it is interesting and instructive to note how frequently he employed simple illustrations drawn from casual and commonplace human experience to emphasize some great and vital truth.
following admonition from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, is priceless in the clearness and directness of its instruction.
is still heard these days about unemployment; and it is quite generally conceded that there is a seeming lack of opportunity and available positions for many who are out of employment, as well as for young people leaving colleges and schools of vocational training.
our standard—raise it higher!We who follow must aspireTo the heights that Jesus trod;Through the gospel he hath spoken,Showing us by word and tokenMan inseparable from God.
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
The writer of the article "Mind Over Matter," published in the January number of the Chiropractic Journal, spoke most kindly of Christian Science as having "restored to health many thousands of sufferers," and said that it is still doing this.
Guy Haldane Dempster, Committee on Publication for Egypt,
The references, direct or implied, which a clergyman makes in the article which appeared in your issue of the 12th instant under the above heading [Telepathy and Clairvoyance] may mislead some of your readers regarding the nature of Christian Science healing.
Meinrad Schnewlin, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
In a recent article in the Appenzeller-Zeitung, Christian Science is mentioned, and the reader is referred to a booklet which confuses Christian Science with subjects with which it has nothing in common.
it is understood by Christian Scientists that, in belief, mortals exist in an atmosphere of mortal thinking, rather than in a material environment, the necessity for protecting their thinking against prevalent world beliefs is obvious to them.
The Constitution of the United States having been drawn up by a convention of the original states in 1787, the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of this event is to be celebrated on Friday, September 17, 1937, as Constitution Day.
Christian Science has proved such a blessing to me that I want to express my gratitude for the infinite unfolding of good which I have received since coming into it.
It is now more than ten years since I began to study Christian Science, and I am happy to be able to add my voice to the chorus which gives thanks to God for the benefits received from a little understanding of this marvelous Science.
Immediately following the birth of our eldest son, I was plunged into the very depths of mental suffering, being harassed every waking moment by the fear of eventually succumbing to a dread disease, which an osteopath said might develop if a small blemish on my body were injured.
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws.
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