, while on a visit in the country, the writer's attention was drawn to a willow tree whose massive trunk and abundant foliage testified to the presence of ample water and nourishment.
Christian Science
is saying to an agitated world, in the words of Moses, "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord," and those who have ears to hear are receiving this arresting message.
the many parables which Christ Jesus gave us in the course of his healing and saving ministry is that of the talents, set forth in Matthew's Gospel.
Geoffrey was four years old he began to go to school, and, because the school was quite a distance from his home, he had to get up very early every morning and travel in a motor bus.
, what a troop of gloomy, hateful thingsHave ofttimes passed before our dreaming eyes,That would have swept us on their ghostly wingsTo darkest haunts, far off from Paradise,Had not a measure, powerful and sweet,Rung joyously and clear within the heart,Till, waking thought, the tones would swift repeatAs each in heavenly chorus found a part;
Roy G. Watson, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
I will appreciate the editorial courtesy of your columns to correct any false impressions concerning Christian Science which may have arisen from the reading of an article published in the Dallas News on July 12 [1936].
William A. Gilchrist, Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada,
In your issue of July 6 [1936], in a published report of a farewell sermon delivered by a local clergyman, there appeared a misleading statement about Christian Science.
Im March [1936], a religious paper opened one of its periodic attacks on Christian Science, and on this occasion the shafts were directed mainly against the life and character of Mrs.
Each victory won over self and sickness strengthens you for the next contest, and so on, until you can say with the Apostle, "I have fought the good fight.
with contributions from Frank Bell, James G. Rowell, Hermann S. Hering, John Ellis Sedman, Peter V. Ross, John M. Tutt
Each year certain members of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship retire that they may have time to devote particularly to the study and practice of Christian Science.
Iliana Gumaelius
with contributions from Birgit Gumaelius
I want to express my gratitude to God for all the blessings received through Christian Science; and I should like to give this testimony regarding a remarkable healing I have had.
An understanding that God's law is ever operative, therefore never failing, has given me deliverance in a recent experience where serious injury or death would have seemed to be the only outcome.
"Many years ago the author made a spiritual discovery, the scientific evidence of which has accumulated to prove that the divine Mind produces in man health, harmony, and immortality.
To those of us who have been enjoying the benefits which accrue from the study and application of the truth as taught in Christian Science it is a sacred privilege to let our joy be known abroad in giving testimony at our Wednesday evening meetings and in the periodicals.
It was not from any physical need that I became interested in Christian Science, but from a profound desire to know more of the Bible, and to have it for my daily companion.
give me strength to live my lifeAs Thou intendest it to be—Not bound by avarice or by strife,From harshness and oppression free;Above the grasp of greed for wealth,Above the foolish urge for place,Above the bickerings and the stealthThat only lead to self-disgrace.
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws.
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