Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science, founded The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, it was voted on her motion "to organize a church designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing".
one woman was pure enough to receive divine inspiration, loving enough to share it, and faithful enough to stand by it against the ridicule, opposition, and hatred of the world, all mankind may now rejoice in the truths of Christian Science and receive of its blessings and rich rewards.
has been wisely said that just as Moses struck the rock in the wilderness and water enough and to spare came forth, so we ourselves, when feeling that life is sterile and dreary, may strike through appearances and find spiritual refreshment gushing to us where drought appeared to be.
"Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System by Gavin W. Allan, January 27, 1935. Subject: "The Unity of Men and Nations."
The station announcer made the statement: "It is Columbia's pleasure to present another program in its fourth successive year of the Church of the Air series devoted to nation-wide religious broadcasts representing four major faiths and ten denominations.
the children of Israel had been miraculously liberated from bondage in Egypt, after they had been led through the Red Sea, and in the wilderness had been fed with manna and had been given water out of a rock—even then they turned from the worship of God and made obeisance to a golden calf.
the prodigal son said, "Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me," he was stirred by the desire for independence, for release from parental control.
Some correspondents of the Clerk of The Mother Church, who ask the requirements for admission to membership in the Church, seem to have difficulty in understanding the responsibilities of endorsers of applications.
Christian Science was brought to my notice through a loving sister-in-law who had been given up by the doctors, but who was healed through the study of Christian Science.
I have had many wonderful healings in Christian Science of severe burns, carbuncles, abscesses, and very severe colds, but the outstanding healing was of a broken leg.
At the time of my marriage I thought the religion of my wife would not affect me in the least, that it would be satisfactory for her; but I was not inclined to give it much credit.
Hedvig Boman
with contributions from Anna E. Boman
A deep longing to learn what and where God is, to find Him not a God of vengeance and punishment, demanding patient submission under our burdens of sickness and want, but a God of love, as my heart told me He must be—a great desire to understand the Bible even in the slightest degree, to find the light that would make this remarkable enigmatical volume the fountain from which would flow strength and counsel for everyday experiences—these were the spiritual promptings that drove me to investigate Christian Science.
I wish to acknowledge my gratitude for Christian Science, and above all I am sincerely grateful for our revered Leader, the greatest religious leader the world has known since the time of Jesus the Christ.
Some six years ago, when life seemed uncertain and strength ebbed away, I resorted to the study of Christin Science, after learning something of it from a practitioner.
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