My first introduction to Christian Science was hearing...

My first introduction to Christian Science was hearing of some healings that had taken place through its teachings. These so attracted me that I procured a copy of Science and Health to find out what it was that brought about the healings, but without any thought of physical healing for myself, although I was in need of it. In her Communion Hymn (Poems, p. 75) Mrs. Eddy writes, "Felt ye the power of the Word?" I can testify to having experienced "the power of the Word" to heal, for during the first two or three hours' reading of the Science and Health, I was healed of an internal complaint for which I had taken medicine daily for some months; and from that day I have taken no material remedies. During the second week's study I was healed of the cigarette habit of long standing. I had tried without lasting results to break this habit by will power, but then the desire for tobacco left me without conscious effort on my part. After six weeks I found that I did not need glasses which I had worn for twelve years. I am grateful for these healings and for many others that I have experienced since.

A the time Christian Science was first brought to my notice the religion in which I had been brought up had long ceased to satisfy me, so it was with rejoicing that I found Christian Science to be a religion which gave me a concept of God I could understand, and also a logical of my relationship to Him.

I am grateful for the Bible and for all those who through the centuries preserved it so that came beloved Leader, who was divinely inspired to give us the spiritual interpretation which is proving so great a blessing to all mankind. I am grateful to all those who have helped me on the way; also that wife and I have been led to take the same steps in our progress in Christian Science.

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Testimony of Healing
With a sense of deepest gratitude I should like to give my...
February 23, 1935

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