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Alone with God
In her Message to The Mother Church for 1901 (p. 20) Mrs. Eddy has written, "The Christian Scientist is alone with his own being and with the reality of things." This state of being alone with one's thoughts in the constructive work of communing with God or executing His spiritual behests is requisite. It includes those moments and hours of silent prayer where may be found the sweet peace and calm joy of spiritual preparation, replenishment, unfoldment. It is the heart's reaching out for God, and finding Him. This loneness is constancy of devotion to Truth, the purification of the human consciousness, that it may be truly evangelized. Such loneness equips the individual to go forth amidst a suffering humanity with the high purpose of rescuing it from its suffering sense and from every phase of error's thralldom.
There is a wide difference between this being alone with one's thoughts in the active, constructive effort to gain a better understanding of God and that other sense which might be defined as loneliness or lonesomeness. The one is an essential to spiritual growth: the other, an error to be overcome. Human beings have believed happiness to be dependent largely upon material things: money, for instance, or the power that it seems to have. Particularly, have they stressed the belief that in human companionship lies the greatest measure of happiness. Now, there is a right idea of companionship that is truly beautiful; it is that which tends to bring out in human experience the highest spiritual qualities and attributes. This is the love that desires to bless.
However, there is a mistaken sense of companionship wherein selfishness is involved. When this obtains, and the belief of personal possession is manifest between friends or loved ones, we observe that when such relationships are severed the mortal mind quality named loneliness comes in and takes possession of human thought. This error continues with its unhappy tendencies until it is learned that man is spiritual, and that each one must sooner or later prove for himself a higher state of joy than that which comes from mere personal association. There are times, for instance, when God alone can bring comfort and consolation to the troubled, lonely heart. And as the sunlight of morning bursts forth, dispelling the darkness of night, God, good, does unfailingly correct the error.
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January 19, 1935 issue
View Issue-
Alone with God
Church Supply
A Lesson from the Pansies
Surmounting Trials
"Love never faileth"
First Things First
Love's Way
In yesterday's Hong Kong Daily Press, under the heading...
William H. Adler, former Committee on Publication for Hong Kong and Canton,
The writer of the item, "Nature and Morals," in your...
John A. Fraser, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
The writer of "It Seems to Me," in your issue of June 17...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication
with contributions from G. H. Morrison
Life as Principle
Violet Ker Seymer
Christianly Scientific Fearlessness
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Gordon V. Comer, Russell C. Elliott, Minnie M. Eiberger
I have been a student of Christian Science for over...
Ernest William Goodale
Many years ago I heard of Christian Science through my...
Catherine Keenan
My advent into the study of Christian Science has been...
Jessie Voigt Marcelli
I wish to express gratitude for a healing which I received...
Charles Sturcken
Christian Science came to me at a time when I was not...
Beatrice Furniss
My first healings in Christian Science convinced me that...
Fanny Matheson
When I first came to Christian Science I was suffering...
Lola M. Suttle
It is with great joy and much gratitude that I bear...
Agnes B. Chipman with contributions from Arthur Chipman
Teach Me to Love!
Signs of the Times
with contributions from E. A. Downes, James M. Malloch