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Items of Interest
Those who have in their possession prized typed or handwritten copies, paragraphs, letters, or manuscripts supposed to have come from Mrs. Eddy's pen but not published by her, will be interested in the following: For years, and more frequently of late, The Christian Science Board of Directors has been asked regarding the authenticity of such documents, but almost without exception these papers are found to be not by Mrs. Eddy. One document in wide circulation was written by a former pastor of The Mother Church and was evidently copied from an early number of the Christian Science Series, a discontinued publication of The Christian Science Publishing Society. Another was from an early issue of The Christian Science Journal. One particularly of these manuscripts has had wide distribution in this country and abroad through the efforts of a former member of The Mother Church. But perhaps the most interesting evidence recently brought to light proving the unauthenticity of one of these documents handed about as if written by Mrs. Eddy, is this: A practitioner and teacher visiting a friend was offered for reading a letter entitled "Possession," bearling the initials "M. B. E." Upon reading it, the guest announced that she herself had written that letter many years ago to a patient and she recognized it beyond question because the original had recently been returned to her.
These things certainly show the wisdom of the many warning which the Christian Science periodicals have contained against passing about or accepting such documents as authentic. In a notice which was published by Mrs. Eddy and which is republished in "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany," we read (p. 237), "Hence, it were wise to accept only my teaching that I know to be correct and adapted to the present demand." Mrs. Eddy's statement had reference to her published works in their latest editions.
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September 10, 1932 issue
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True Self-Expression
Divine Newness
Sunday School and Church
"Having eyes, see ye not?"
Our Work
The Harvest Song
"Academics of the right sort"
A Prayer
For the benefit of your correspondent, writing in your...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
It has been drawn to my attention that a clergyman had...
James W. Fulton, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Mary Baker Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian science,...
H. Clay Parker, Committee on Publication for the State of Arizona,
In the issue of your paper of March 9, a doctor, in an...
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
From the Field
with contributions from Albert E. Lombard
Truth Always Triumphant
W. Stuart Booth
Our Holy Demonstration
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Mabel Huston, Alice M. Mansfield, Laura Bates Bailey, Agnes Roxbury
Through the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Christian F. Trabert
Through seeing the wonderful healing of my mother I became...
Lilia A. de Sanchez
I have experienced many blessings since coming into...
Ellen Pearson
Fourteen years ago my prayer was, Oh, for one day's...
Gwendoline Arnold
In September, 1930, while I was preparing the evening...
Iva Alter Pullin
In 1918 I resigned my commission in the regular army...
John W. W. Cassels
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I should like to...
Mildred S. Palmer
In 1914 my son, then a baby boy of about four years,...
Charlotte Ganahl Stoddard
I wish to express my gratitude for the good which has...
Rose N. Houston
Our Dwelling Place
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Walter R. Hepner, J. D. McCormick, W. T. H., James Reid, H. H. McQuilkin