confession of one's secret faults is, according to the epistle of James, a commendable thing; but whom shall we make the repository for this confession?
A young
student of Christian Science sat one day in a Christian Science Reading Room earnestly praying to find some small opening in the formidable wall of error which seemed to bar all approach to the New Jerusalem.
young student of Christian Science may shut himself out from the full measure of good which belongs to him—as to every child of God—simply because, according to his old way of thinking, it seems too good to be true that all good is available to him.
Arthur Brearly, Committee on Publication for Hongkong, China,
In a review of a book in your Bookshelf columns, in a recent issue of your paper, reference was made to Christian Science in a way which is somewhat misleading; and I respectfully request your permission to correct, through the medium of your correspondence columns, the statements made therein.
A marginal
heading to a paragraph on page 393 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, reads, "No real disease"—an assertion which, while it may have aroused the skepticism of some of those ignorant of the truth on which it is based, has called forth the gratitude of thousands.
The Publishing Society is always glad to make changes of address for subscribers during their vacation period, and if this information is sent to us promptly, considerable economy is effected.
In obedience to divine Love I desire to add my testimony to the gratitude already expressed by others through our periodicals for the healing power of Christian Science.
In 1907 I had become so troubled with the difficulties of human life that my physical appearance caused a friend to tell me that the sight of me frightened her, and she kindly advised me to try Christian Science for help.
For many years I had desired a friend to whom I could turn for sympathy, help, and encouragement, one upon whom I could lean in times of adversity, and to whom I could look for guidance at all times.
When all material help has failed and the extremity of suffering seems to have been reached, how welcome is the word that God is Love, always present, ever available, and that He will heal all our diseases! Such was my boundless joy when given that blessed assurance.
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