the Gospel of Matthew, two of the Master's teachings relative to the forgiving of our trespasses stand out in bold relief; and both convey lessons of signal moment for all striving to conform their lives to the Christ-ideal.
the understanding of God which Christian Science gives, an ever increasing number of people are proving for themselves that divine aid is always available to meet the human need, whatever it may be.
I have always been so grateful for the testimonies of healing in The Christian Science Journal and the Christian Science Sentinel that I am forwarding my testimony in the hope that it will help others as I have been helped.
When I was struggling with a false sense of self, helpless and hopeless because of my ignorance of God and His creation, the healing light of pure Christian Science first shone for me.
In the late summer of 1924, when I seemed to be in the valley of shadows and the darkest hour seemed at hand, the "still small voice" of Truth led me to ask for the help of a Christian Science practitioner.
I have been encouraged and strengthened and healed so many times through the splendid testimonies given in the Journal and Sentinel that I feel the least I can do is to cast what bread I have upon the waters, trusting that it may bring encouragement to others.
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