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It is forty-three years since I first knew of Christian Science
It is forty-three years since I first knew of Christian Science. It came to us in an extremely dark hour, when my dear mother was pronounced incurable by noted surgeons, and, as they expressed it, an operation could not be performed as she would die under it. Her trouble was diagnosed as a tumor in the side, which would weigh at least twenty-five pounds. At this time my father heard of a Christian Science practitioner who was practicing in a near-by town one day each week, and when he told my mother about her she asked to be taken to her. The practitioner took up treatment, and in less than six weeks my mother was healed. Three years later my sister was healed of eczema of about three years' standing, after she had been unable to be around for a year. Yet, even after these wonderful proofs the study of Christian Science was put aside, perhaps largely because of the fact that it was so much in its infancy that there were then no Scientists in the surrounding territory except the practitioners who passed through from time to time.
However, the healing were never forgotten even by myself, the youngest member of the family at the time. And nearly seventeen years ago, when I was in great need of healing, after suffering for a number of years from severe headaches, weak eyes, and a number of other complaints, the seed of Truth which had been sown so many years before took root and I called a practitioner for help, taking off glasses with the first treatment after wearing them for fourteen years. But the headaches, which I later found to be the result of resentment and criticism, did not yield so quickly.
While I still have many things to overcome, I am most grateful to know that many miserable traits of character have faded away, together with many physical aliments. I have also seen my husband and two children healed of the errors which have presented themselves to them. Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for the healing of grief when my mother passed on (she had passed her eightieth year), as well as for the numerous other blessings which have come to me and mine through the study and application of this wonderful truth. I wish to express my gratitude for the privilege of attending the Annual Meeting of The Mother Church four years ago, for the work of the Board of Directors of The Mother Church, for our Publishing House and our literature, and for our lecturers.—(Mrs.)Florence G. Matteson, Muskegon, Michigan.
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May 18, 1929 issue
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Prosperity Mental
"A wellspring of life"
On Finding Ourselves Spiritually
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock"
The Benediction
At Sunset
In your editorial column of February 8, under the heading...
William K. Kitchen, Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
Much as one respects the general findings of the chief registrar...
George W. Martin, Committee on Publication for Victoria, Australia,
In an article in your issue of November 14, reporting exercises...
Francis Lyster Jandron, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
In a letter published in your paper of the 17th inst., a...
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
"Does a Jew cease to be a Jew, religiously speaking, when...
Ralph G. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
Letter from the Field
with contributions from Helen Keller
Albert F. Gilmore
One True Consciousness
Violet Ker Seymer
Infinite Divine Love
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Chester Cameron Wardlow, M. Adelaide Holton
My testimony of gratitude to God for Christian Science...
Oscar Anderson
I hardly know where to begin in telling of the blessings...
Nellie St. John
It is forty-three years since I first knew of Christian Science
Florence G. Matteson
It would be impossible for me to express in words the...
G. Constance Spearman
Over twenty-six years ago Christian Science came into...
Ida C. Tipton with contributions from James B. Tipton
I am so grateful for Mrs. Eddy's spiritual interpretation...
Margaret Shull
It has often been said that the whole world seems to be...
Mary Marshall Brooks
I wish to express my gratitude for the work of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship...
Mary E. Bovet
Through the loving help of a Christian Science practitioner...
Jean Glendenning Bowen
I attended my first lecture after I had been reading the...
Jessie Dean Ranns
"I will be as the dew unto Israel"
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Lyman Powell, Hoover, H. E. C. Rowe, Hubert W. Peet