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Christian Science found me when a young girl
Christian Science found me when a young girl. I had never been taught about God, and was totally unacquainted with the Bible. Through my mother's healing in Christian Science of an organic trouble for which she had tried many so-called cures without success, we became interested in this religion. During the succeeding fifteen years the Bible treasures, unlocked with the "key," "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, have become dearer and more practical to me, as beacon lights which illumine our path.
Christian Science has been my husband's and my only physician in rearing a family of six children. Many wonderful healings have been experienced, some of them instantaneous, others more slow; some with a practitioner's loving help, others through our own understanding of this great truth. The ailments healed include a serious case of erysipelas and of constipation; influenza; complicated measles; whooping cough; pneumonia; bladder trouble; bondage to severe colds and headaches; blood poisoning; fever; painful burns, which were healed without leaving any scars; lumbago, and rheumatism. A broken bone was healed in five days, and dentistry made less painful through the application of Christian Science.
This healing, uplifting, comforting truth has been of unspeakable help in childbirth, and also when one very dear to us passed on. I am so grateful that this new-old religion gives us an assurance of God's protecting care in time of accident or epidemic. Christian Science is also helping me to overcome many faults in my disposition, such as selfishness, sarcasm, criticism, thoughtlessness, and quick temper. It is freeing me from bondage to all sorts of fears, and is wonderfully helpful in giving the children a firm moral and spiritual foundation upon which to build. I am grateful for membership in The Mother Church and a branch church, and for all the activities of this great organization so firmly established by our beloved Leader.
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October 5, 1929 issue
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Preparatory and Protective Work for Associations
Cooperation of Grateful Thought
The Way
The Reading Room Window
Sympathy or Compassion?
Faith and Logic
The Rod
The Rand Daily Mail reports that the president of the...
Bryan R. Savory, Committee on Publication for the
Doctrinal controversy will not be found as any part of...
Ralph G. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for the
According to a report which appeared in your paper some...
Bjarne V. Böckmann, Committee on Publication for
Part of a writer's remarks in your issue of January 12...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the
The courtesy of space in your columns is respectfully...
Miss Kathleen O'Connor, Committee on Publication for
Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1928
with contributions from Freeman
Christianity: Its Science and Art
Albert F. Gilmore
Purity of Motive
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Fannie Harris
I am indeed grateful for all that Christian Science has...
Cyril Horace Whitaker
In the last nine years Christian Science has resurrected...
Ruth A. Nickerson
I shall always be truly grateful to the friend who told me...
Charlotte E. V. Rabus
I did not come to Christian Science for physical healing,...
Mollie C. Thornhill
I feel deep gratitude to God for giving us Christian Science,...
Anna Minna Schultz
I should like to tell of a healing of inflammation of the...
Nellie McCormick
While my son was playing on his school football team...
Rose M. Hodge
An editorial in the Christian Science Sentinel reminded...
Herbert L. Frank
About twelve years ago Christian Science found me griefstricken...
Emma M. Webster with contributions from Alice Mellichamp Sams
I first heard of Christian Science when about ten years...
Margaret Mitts
Christian Science found me when a young girl
Arva M. Knowles
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Walter H. T. Gahan