may have been hard for Elijah to say to the widow who was gathering sticks for a fire to prepare what, in that time of sore famine, she believed to be her household's last scanty ration of meal, "Make me thereof a little cake first.
has been the writer's happy privilege to be engaged in Christian Science Reading Room work for considerable periods, in connection with two branch churches in widely separated areas.
Christian Science is entirely logical no thoughtful student can deny; but however much we may recognize and appreciate the logic of Christian Science, we learn, when confronted with some serious human problem, that something more than mere logic is required to effect a solution.
The Rand Daily Mail reports that the president of the Wesleyan Conference at Queenstown has stated that "Christian Science eliminates the lordship of Jesus and turns religion into a supreme effort to capture health.
According to a report which appeared in your paper some time ago, in a lecture on "Conscious or unconscious state in death," a statement about Christian Science was put forth which was wholly incorrect.
Part of a writer's remarks in your issue of January 12 appears to say or imply that religion and faith will not cure you "if there is anything really the matter with you.
linking together of the words "science" and "art," which so commonly occurs in secular literature, has its analogy in the study and practice of Christian Science.
will gainsay that there is room for improvement in everyone, though they may differ in their opinion as to what constitutes development and how to attain it.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
I shall always be truly grateful to the friend who told me of Christian Science and persuaded me to borrow the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
While my son was playing on his school football team one fall he met with a very serious accident, being hit on the top of the head so severely that he was unable to continue the game or even to rise.
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