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In consequence of dysentery contracted in the tropics in...
In consequence of dysentery contracted in the tropics in 1908, I had a very serious attack of internal blood poisoning, so serious that I escaped death by only the merest margin. I was left in very poor health; and although I remained in my profession, which was a military one, after eighteen months' convalescence I hardly ever knew a day when I felt well. I served for three years in the great war, from its commencement. In consequence of another attack of dysentery contracted in Egypt, and overwork, I had a complete mental and physical breakdown, which necessitated my retirement from the army. The misery I endured for the greater part of four years is almost indescribable. I was practically never free from headaches and apparently every conceivable erroneous bodily symptom; but even worse was the mental depression, fear, and worry. I was in a hospital for a year, with only the slightest improvement, all approved forms of medicine and treatment being employed.
After leaving the hospital I lived on a fruit farm for eighteen months. It is only fair to those who were kind enough to help me, to say that after applying autosuggestion, together with a determination to get well, I did seem to get better, until in 1920 I thought I was practically cured; and at any rate life became more tolerable for a time. But early in 1921 I had a very bad return of my former troubles, and nothing seemed to help me. What I had learned in autosuggestion only made matters worse; and medicines were futile. I was desperate, as I feared that I would never get right again, everything I had tried having failed me; and the discouragement of going back, after fighting so long, made me worse.
It was at this time that I heard of Christian Science through a sister who was interested in it, and like a drowning man I clutched at it. I went to a practitioner, and almost at once improvement started. Then I had a very bad time for a month, when every symptom seemed to be aggravated. However, thanks to the great help and kind advice of the practitioner I stuck to Christian Science, and very soon I began to feel the benefit. Rather slowly perhaps, but surely, the mental and physical symptoms began to drop away and lose their hold. I have been in Science just over seven years, and in that time I have made wonderful improvement in health. My wife and relatives hardly know me for the person I once was, and my outlook on life has entirely altered. A few slight returns of the trouble have occurred, but they have always been dispersed either by myself or by a practitioner in a very short time. I have almost entirely lost the fear of this trouble, which no other treatment except Christian Science treatment ever helped permanently. If it had not been for Christian Science I hesitate to think where I should have drifted; and I find that mere words can hardly express the gratitude I feel to the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy.
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June 2, 1928 issue
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"Who touched me?"
Man's Birthright
Kindly Affection
The Bread of Life
Make Holy Garments for Thy Brother
The Joy of Giving
The Awakening
Without engaging in a controversy over the doctrinal...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
In a recent issue of your paper reference is made to a...
Arthur J. Chapman, Committee on Publication for the State of Louisiana,
A recent issue of your esteemed paper publishes a report...
Paul Gassner, Committee on Publication for Germany,
We are sure you will allow us space in your columns to...
Everett P. Clark, Committee on Publication for the State of Washington,
In a recent issue of the Daily News, a doctor gives the...
Conrad Bernhard, Jr., Committee on Publication for the State of Maryland,
The contribution by "Faith" in a recent issue of the...
Thomas A. Wyles, Committee on Publication for South Australia,
"What think ye of Christ?"
Albert F. Gilmore
Cherish Good!
Ella W. Hoag
The Reward of Faithfulness
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Winifred V. Pass, Frank L. Harris, Norah Foster
Before knowing anything about Christian Science I spent...
Josephine M. Tedford
I sincerely hope that the testimony of the demonstration...
Jeanne Saint-Martin
Many years ago I went to a Christian Science practitioner...
Helen D. Hartley
In consequence of dysentery contracted in the tropics in...
Esmond Copland-Griffiths
Our little daughter, aged five, had become suddenly ill
George B. Addison
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Edith S. Foster
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Arthur T. Brooks