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I went to tell of some of the lovely things which Christian Science...
I went to tell of some of the lovely things which Christian Science has done for me; and I am sending this testimony with a sense of deep gratitude. It was from a sister I first heard of this wonderful truth, and I feel that I shall never be grateful enough to her; for I needed help, bodily and spiritually. I had suffered for many years from an internal trouble, and although I consulted physicians I derived no benefit from their treatments. My sister gave me the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and I began to read it, rather half-heartedly at first, as I could not believe that the mere reading of the book would help me. However, as soon as I began to understand its wonderful truths, and tried my best to live in accordance with them, I was healed.
Another proof of God's love and ever-presence was the recovery of my dog, which had been missing for more than a week. I was away during the coal strike two years ago, and got a letter from home saying that he had been frightened by the back-firing of a paraffin engine which works a saw mill a few hundred yards away, and that he had suddenly bolted, and no trace of him could be found. Trains were running very irregularly, owing to the coal strike, but I was able to get home without much difficulty, and at once put an advertisement in the local paper. Soon a response came to say that a keeper who lives on a moor about six miles away had seen my dog wandering about, but that he could not get near him. I reached the moor, and the keeper's opinion was that it was doubtful if a dog had ever been found alive on a vast stretch of moorland such as this after eleven days and nights of exposure. But I knew that nothing can in reality be lost, and after walking for about three hours I felt something at my feet; and there was my dog, very weak and just able to crawl and lick my hands. Surely as Mrs. Eddy says on page 494 of Science and Health, "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need;" and as she says on page 550, "God is the Life, or intelligence, which forms and preserves the individuality and identity of animals as well as of men." — (Miss) Emily Garnett-Orme, Bell Busk, Yorkshire, England.
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November 10, 1928 issue
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God's Finished Work
Our Daily Task
Maintaining One's Position
God the Only Mind
"Who touched me?"
A Sure Foundation
From the Hand of This Philistine
In your recent issue there appeared an account of an address...
Philip King, Committee on Publication for the District of Columbia,
I have read the articles on Christian Science which have...
Miss E. Mary Ramsay, Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland,
Kindly permit me space in your paper in order that correction...
Israel Pickens, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
There appeared in a recent issue of your esteemed paper...
M. S. Temple Hill, Committee on Publication for the Province of Quebec, Canada,
Because a professor classified Christian Science with...
Fred Yould, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
My Prayer
Mrs. Ella W. Hoag
Albert F. Gilmore, Duncan Sinclair
The Free Warrior
Albert F. Gilmore
"The prayer of the righteous"
Ella W. Hoag
Man is Immortal
Duncan Sinclair
In 1904, at the passing away of a friend, I came face...
Elizabeth Saddoris McCarty
I wish to express my gratitude for the Christian Science...
Charles McEwen
It is with a sincere sense of gratitude for what Christian Science...
Grace Earl Umphres
It was a case of sickness in our family that first called...
Elisabeth Schmeisser
After suffering for many years and trying many remedies,...
Christine A. Merget
I went to tell of some of the lovely things which Christian Science...
Emily Garnett-Orme
With thanksgiving for so many demonstrations of the...
Pauline Johnston
Deity Expressed
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Herbert Hoover, Federal Council of Churches of Christ, S. Parkes Cadman, M. Aristide Briand