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Problems are Opportunities
Our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, says in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 66), "Trials are proofs of God's care." What a load would be lifted from many a weary heart were the truth of these words realized! Yet it is true of some Christian Scientists that when problems arise, instead of seeing in them opportunities for demonstration, they give way before the seeming onslaught of error and through personal sense become the victims of self-pity, sorrow, fear, disease, or even death. Christian Science declares that every one of these is a false belief; that they do not proceed from God, divine Principle, and consequently are without cause or origin, and therefore without actual existence. Is it not sometimes the case that, blinded by the mesmerism of these errors, we at first fail to recognize our opportunity of refuting material sense testimony and making practical whatever we have learned of our omniactive Father-Mother God, good?
Great joy once came to a student of Christian Science through the study of the miracle of Jesus walking on the sea. The disciples were finding it difficult to make headway against a contrary wind, in one of the tempests of human experience; and so buried were they in their belief of discord that they quite failed to recognize the approach of the Master. In their extremity they cried out in fear. But their friend was at hand with his understanding of the Christ, Truth; and as soon as this was recognized or, as John says, "willingly received," harmony was restored. What comfort the disciples must have found in the memorable words, "Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid." And is it not precisely this same message of good cheer which through Christ, Truth, is to-day knocking at our mental door for admission?
"Be not afraid"! Obedience to the First Commandment insures obedience to this command; for fear has no part in infinite Love, God. In the book of Nehemiah it is related how, through fear, animal magnetism endeavored to stop the work of building the wall of Jerusalem, just as the present aim of evil is to break down the wall of health, holiness, and immortality, which the Christian Scientist is busily engaged in building in consciousness. How is it that mankind is so prone to be afraid? Mrs. Eddy has enlightened us on the subject; for in her Exegesis of Genesis (Science and Health, p. 532) she says, "Fear was the first manifestation of the error of material sense."
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October 8, 1927 issue
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"Radical reliance on Truth"
Sunday School
Problems are Opportunities
"Children of Israel"
As reported in your recent issue, a revivalist in First...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for Illinois
Although the revivalist who has been holding meetings...
Thomas C. Hollingshead, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
In a recent issue of the Dominion appears a report by a...
Miss Madge Bell, Committee on Publication for North Island, New Zealand,
A correspondent asks in your recent issue to have a...
Miss Kate E. Andreae, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
References to Christian Science in your recent issue which...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Upward Ways
The Yoke that is Easy
Albert F. Gilmore
Right Reasoning
Duncan Sinclair
The Theology of Jesus
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Walter Davis, Herbert P. Burgess
Through the understanding of God as taught in Christian Science...
Alfred Lewis Aiken with contributions from Ella R. Aiken
I have been healed of neurasthenia, insomnia, and heart...
Violet Marriott
When quite a girl I was told to be careful of my eyes or...
Stella K. Wagner
Christian Science has met all my needs for more than ten...
Ursula May Deering
From childhood I suffered from a severe heart defect
Mary Therese Tamm
It is with a sense of gratitude that I am impelled to give...
Ernest G. Kallasch
From childhood a deep yearning to find a God whom...
Lucie Welton
On the first page of the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"...
Stella S. Beard
With sincere gratitude I testify to the blessings which...
Minna Schindler
A Prayer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from G. G. Bennett, Walter Walsh, Henry C. Culbertson