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From childhood a deep yearning to find a God whom...
From childhood a deep yearning to find a God whom I could understand and love was always with me; and as I grew into girlhood this yearning became the strongest factor in my life, until, like Job, my constant mental cry was, "Oh that I knew where I might find him!" I was brought up in the orthodox Episcopal church, and at the age of sixteen was confirmed by the bishop. This ceremony only tended to cause further confusion and apparent separation from the God I sought. The search continued year after year without any satisfaction, until the day I attended a Christian Science lecture. I went into the hall weary of life and heavily laden, physically and mentally, but before the speaker had half finished his lecture a great sense of peace and joy flooded my consciousness, and I repeated over and over again, silently, "This is my God, and His name is Love."
I was so hungry to learn more and still more of this wonderful truth that I dropped all else and commenced the study of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Many beautiful healings came to me; and I am particularly grateful for the gradual elimination of a very bad temper and strong will. The daily study of the textbook, together with the Bible, brought a growing sense of peace and joy, and I never can be grateful enough for the wonderful spiritual uplift this gave me. Through the loving help of a practitioner I was healed of consumption. I completely forgot this condition in my earnest desire to become better acquainted with God, until one day some months after careful study of the Bible and the textbook, I found I was free, and my whole thought was illuminated with love for God and His creation.
My mother and I had always been very near to each other, and up to the age of seventeen I had never been parted form her; then circumstances arose which made it necessary for me to leave my home. This was a great sorrow to me, and one that was never healed until I heard of Christian Science. When my mother passed on, a deep realization of God's motherhood dawned upon me, and I lifted up my heart and fervently thanked our Father-Mother God that what I loved was eternal and omnipresent; and I have found that in proportion as I am careful to love God first and my neighbor as myself, do I realize that this love always surrounds me.
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October 8, 1927 issue
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"Radical reliance on Truth"
Sunday School
Problems are Opportunities
"Children of Israel"
As reported in your recent issue, a revivalist in First...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for Illinois
Although the revivalist who has been holding meetings...
Thomas C. Hollingshead, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
In a recent issue of the Dominion appears a report by a...
Miss Madge Bell, Committee on Publication for North Island, New Zealand,
A correspondent asks in your recent issue to have a...
Miss Kate E. Andreae, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
References to Christian Science in your recent issue which...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Upward Ways
The Yoke that is Easy
Albert F. Gilmore
Right Reasoning
Duncan Sinclair
The Theology of Jesus
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Walter Davis, Herbert P. Burgess
Through the understanding of God as taught in Christian Science...
Alfred Lewis Aiken with contributions from Ella R. Aiken
I have been healed of neurasthenia, insomnia, and heart...
Violet Marriott
When quite a girl I was told to be careful of my eyes or...
Stella K. Wagner
Christian Science has met all my needs for more than ten...
Ursula May Deering
From childhood I suffered from a severe heart defect
Mary Therese Tamm
It is with a sense of gratitude that I am impelled to give...
Ernest G. Kallasch
From childhood a deep yearning to find a God whom...
Lucie Welton
On the first page of the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"...
Stella S. Beard
With sincere gratitude I testify to the blessings which...
Minna Schindler
A Prayer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from G. G. Bennett, Walter Walsh, Henry C. Culbertson