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In a recent issue of the Dominion appears a report by a...
In a recent issue of the Dominion appears a report by a clergyman on the subject of "Anti-Christ." Will you allow me to point out that in classing Christian Science as a work of the devil the lecturer proves that he has no practical understanding of Christian Science, which differs radically from theosophy and spiritualism, and is based on the teaching and practice of Christ Jesus. That he came to bear "witness unto the truth" was the claim made by Christ Jesus himself. It is clear, then, that antichrist is but the lie which "deceiveth the whole world." Ignorance of God, disobedience to His law, disregard for the Christ, Truth, is antichrist, or anti Christian, and the power of antichrist is but the sum total of man's allegiance to what is antagonistic to God—to Life, Love, and Truth.
Christian Science teaches allegiance to the one omnipotent God and to His ever present Christ, and thus denies the claim that evil is as real and powerful as God. Mrs. Eddy states (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 390), "It is our ignorance of God, the divine Principle, which produces apparent discord, and the right understanding of Him restores harmony." Then, too, on page 96 of the same book she sums up present-day conditions, of which the lecturer drew such a gloomy picture, in the following words, written about fifty years ago: "'The darkest hour precedes the dawn.' This material world is even now becoming the arena for conflicting forces. On one side there will be discord and dismay; on the other side there will be Science and peace. The breaking up of material beliefs may seem to be famine and pestilence, want and woe, sin, sickness, and death, which assume new phases until their nothingness appears. These disturbances will continue until the end of error, when all discord will be swallowed up in spiritual Truth."
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October 8, 1927 issue
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"Radical reliance on Truth"
Sunday School
Problems are Opportunities
"Children of Israel"
As reported in your recent issue, a revivalist in First...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for Illinois
Although the revivalist who has been holding meetings...
Thomas C. Hollingshead, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
In a recent issue of the Dominion appears a report by a...
Miss Madge Bell, Committee on Publication for North Island, New Zealand,
A correspondent asks in your recent issue to have a...
Miss Kate E. Andreae, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
References to Christian Science in your recent issue which...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Upward Ways
The Yoke that is Easy
Albert F. Gilmore
Right Reasoning
Duncan Sinclair
The Theology of Jesus
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Walter Davis, Herbert P. Burgess
Through the understanding of God as taught in Christian Science...
Alfred Lewis Aiken with contributions from Ella R. Aiken
I have been healed of neurasthenia, insomnia, and heart...
Violet Marriott
When quite a girl I was told to be careful of my eyes or...
Stella K. Wagner
Christian Science has met all my needs for more than ten...
Ursula May Deering
From childhood I suffered from a severe heart defect
Mary Therese Tamm
It is with a sense of gratitude that I am impelled to give...
Ernest G. Kallasch
From childhood a deep yearning to find a God whom...
Lucie Welton
On the first page of the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"...
Stella S. Beard
With sincere gratitude I testify to the blessings which...
Minna Schindler
A Prayer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from G. G. Bennett, Walter Walsh, Henry C. Culbertson