no subject which occupies the thought of mankind is of such vital importance, and in consequence comes so near the heart, as that of communing with our Maker in prayer.
is an old scholastic belief that to be truly spiritual one must be poverty-stricken, or at least on the verge of material want, even denying one's self the things generally looked upon as needs in human life.
Everett P. Clark, Committee on Publication for the State of Washington,
In an article entitled "Soldiers All," printed in your recent issue, reference is made to the value of the discovery of the practice of vaccination by Dr.
Master's words, addressed to the disciples when there arose "a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest," epitomize the question of service to the Christian Scientist.
Churches, societies, or individuals having a surplus of noncurrent Journals, Sentinels, French or German Heralds, are requested to send them to the Literature Distribution Committee of The Mother Church.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
Nearly six years ago I had reached the point where every material means I knew of had been applied and had failed to give any permanent relief from the many ills with which I was afflicted.
Having learned through a friend that Christian Science had healed her child, I asked for Christian Science treatment at a time when I was suffering from an organic trouble that had caused much anxiety.
With overflowing gratitude I wish to relate a healing which led me to Christian Science a few years ago, thereby giving me the best and highest that could ever be granted to any person.
Gertrude S. Albee
with contributions from Hazel Albee
This testimony is written in the hope that it will help some one situated as we are at present, so far from a Christian Science church that we cannot attend services, where a long-distance telephone call is necessary to get the help of a practitioner, and where not even a person in town, outside of our own family, so far as we know, is at all interested in Christian Science.
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