is a certain statement repeated by Mary Baker Eddy in her writings which, although constituting but a part of her revelation to this age, must have made, within two generations, an incalculable difference to mankind.
was Jesus' clear concept of God as divine Love that enabled him to heal the sick, reform the sinner, and raise the dead, and that set the standard of progress for all time.
often have Christian Scientists allowed themselves to be puzzled and discouraged because, although they had done their metaphysical work as well as they knew how, the material problem seemed still to be unsolved.
vision not alone sees the spiritual idea as inherent in the divine Mind, but sees that idea as it journeys along the ages expressing itself in some form of blessedness for which humanity has been groping.
meaning of each By-law in the Manual of The Mother Church unfolds as Christian Scientists endeavor to understand and practice the rules of the Manual.
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
In the report of a lecture delivered in your city by a doctor, the statement was made that he "defined Christian Science as an imaginary cure for a real disease and a real cure for an imaginary disease.
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
The article contributed to the columns of a recent issue on the subject of "National Hospital Day" would be appropriate and unobjectionable were it not that it includes offensive, erroneous, unjust, and uncalled-for accusations against Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, against her teachings, and against Christian Scientists in general.
Miss V. M. Blanche Stievenard, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire,
It is strange that any one, knowing whereof he speaks, should link Christian Science with Russellism, Spiritism, or Swedenborgianism, as does a critic in his letter published in a recent issue of your paper.
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
In behalf of all Christian Scientists, and especially of a respected group of your fellow-citizens who strive for the establishment of Christian fellowship among men, I wish to protest in your columns against misleading comment and misrepresentation reported on the editorial pages of your recent issue.
O Love
, that paints the colors of the rainbow,O Love, that gives the rose its sweet perfume,O Love, that sends the cooling, fresh'ning raindrops,Which make the parched valley bud and bloom;
It has been found desirable to exchange the dates of the Dutch and French translation of the religious article in The Christian Science Monitor scheduled for the week of April 12, so that the Dutch will appear on April 12 and the French on April 16.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, five weeks before; in other European countries six weeks before.
I am offering my experience and healing in Christian Science with the hope and assurance that some others who are seeking the truth may also be healed and blessed as I have been.
I am grateful to Christian Science and to Mary Baker Eddy, who brought it to mankind, for happiness and a peace and quietness within, which I never knew until I took up this study.
Before taking up the study of Christian Science in earnest about eight years ago, I was continually suffering from severe headaches, nervousness, loneliness, and weakness.
I attended my first Christian Science service several years ago out of curiosity, but immediately knew Christian Science was the truth I had been looking for.
Articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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