are in God's kingdom now; we are His guests now: only in belief can we imagine ourselves elsewhere; for the Scripture says, "In him we live, and move, and have our being.
often have the Master's tender words, "See that ye be not troubled," lifted the seeming burden and set free the thought of the wanderer in the wilderness of material sense! How inspiring when hard pressed in the turmoil of earthly hopes and longings to listen to this loving exhortation and be comforted; and if we are not comforted we may well ask ourselves what prevents us from realizing the "Peace, be still.
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Your recent issue carries an address in which Christian Science is said to have its source in Brahminical pantheism and is therefore "reincarnated Hinduism dressed out with the false name 'Christian.
Miss Madge Bell, Committee on Publication for North Island, New Zealand,
A bishop recently stated that "the great mass of the people in this land find no use for religion, or have accepted from others the notion that it is useless;" and if Dean Inge, as reported in the Dominion of recent date, is correct in his opinion that it is improper to turn to God, or to urge others to do so, for the healing of sickness.
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
With no desire to be controversial, I am asking your kind permission to comment on the remarks of a clergyman to the effect that spiritual healing does not work.
student of Christian Science learns that fundamentally health is spiritual harmony, and, accordingly, that it is in no measure dependent upon material conditions.
the time in human history when men believed they were expelled from the garden of Eden,—were separated from God, good,—they have been seeking establishment.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lecture; in the United States and Canada, four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, five weeks before; in other European countries, six weeks before.
Elizabeth Albert
with contributions from John Henry Albert
Although I have been a student of Christian Science for many years, and it has met all my needs since 1914, I have never written a testimony, so I desire to give the following recent experience to others who may be in need, as the practical proof of the efficacy of Christian Science healing.
After suffering at frequent intervals for several years from acute indigestion, in a very short time I was completely healed by Christian Science through the understanding of Mrs.
Articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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