no appeal coming from any single nation meets with a more sympathetic hearing from the rest of the world than the wish for security against all aggressors.
the second chapter of John's gospel we find a story in connection with the first visit of Jesus to Jerusalem after he had started his ministry, a story which is of considerable interest in the light of Christian Science.
spite of the fact that the very name of our religion, Christian Science, includes the word "Science," and that we often refer to ourselves as Scientists, it would sometimes seem that we forget what the name implies.
"I demand
satisfaction!" many an affronted gentleman of the olden time has declared; and he was thinking of a certain definite compensation, without which he did not intend to forget the affront.
, like a flood, wrong thoughts would o'er me roll,Threat'ning to overwhelm, shall I, resigned,Bow 'neath their sway as to a master mind,Admit their right to cruelly oppress,Of health and happiness exacting toll,As ancient Hebrew bent to Egypt's yoke?
Mrs. Mary Blanch Jones, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
With reference to an assertion by a certain bishop, as reported in a recent issue of your paper, that "it was because the church had neglected the subject of spiritual healing that the heresy of Christian Science had flourished," may I state that the term "heresy" in this case is entirely misleading?
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
In your issue of recent date a clergyman characterizes the textbook of Christian Science as the "product of a poor human mind that really leaves out the atonement and the terrible fact of sin.
Salem A. Hart, Jr., Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
The writer who referred to Mary Baker Eddy as a medium for spiritists, as he termed it in a letter to the editor in your issue of recent date, evidently has received his impressions of Mrs.
writer of the book of Proverbs was so convinced of the necessity for spiritual preparedness that he wrote in his famous compendium of wisdom, "The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord.
impartial student of the life of Christ Jesus, as it is recorded in the gospels of the New Testament, will readily admit that its chief characteristic was its spirituality.
their demonstration of the Science of being Christian Scientists find themselves faced with various mental problems which have to do with misjudgment.
Churches and societies in the United States proper and in the Dominion of Canada, wishing to give lectures during the first two months of the next lecture year,—namely, July and August, 1925,—are requested to inform the Board of Lectureship, if possible, before June 1.
I became interested in Christian Science about sixteen years ago simply through being impressed with the calm demeanor of a Christian Scientist with whom I had become acquainted, and who told me something of his experiences in the solitudes of Wyoming, where he had been a prospector.
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