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The Simplicity of Christian Science
The remark is sometimes heard that Christian Science is difficult to understand. It is generally made by the beginner who is reading, perhaps for the first time, the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. He is unable, as yet, to grasp the truths enunciated and elaborated therein; and, not aware that the reason for his difficulties lies in himself, he lays the blame on Christian Science. Nevertheless, while it may be true that Christian Science does not seem easy to some, it has to be firmly protested that the difficulties are not in Christian Science, but are due to the mentality of the individual himself.
The very same charge was made against the teachings of Christ Jesus in his own day; so much so, that of all who heard his message only a relatively small number accepted it. The Master, with that quickness of perception which was the result of his clear spiritual understanding, readily detected the cause of the dullness of comprehension manifested by many of those who heard him, that dullness of comprehension which drew from him merited rebuke. Even in the case of his immediate disciples there was manifested the very same type of mentality when they queried, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" They were reasoning from the standpoint of material sense, and, consequently, believing in good and evil personalities. The answer of Jesus was strikingly significant. He "called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, ... Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." That which raised the problem of "greatness" among the disciples created the difficulty to others of accepting the Master's teachings. It was material sense, or "lack of spirituality." The child typified purity, trustfulness, freedom from materiality: such was the mentality necessary to understand the Savior's message, and which alone could enter the kingdom of heaven with him; that is, possess the same understanding as he had of spiritual being.
In "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 53) Mrs. Eddy says: "The teachings of Jesus were simple; and yet he found it difficult to make the rulers understand, because of their great lack of spirituality." Then she continues, "Christian Science is simple, and readily understood by the children; only the thought educated away from it finds it abstract or difficult to perceive." Here Mrs. Eddy states, with her usual precision, the cause of the difficulty. It is primarily due to "lack of spirituality;" and spirituality is lacking wherever materiality predominates. From this it is apparent how difficulties will present themselves even to those who have been for a considerable time students of Christian Science and are firmly convinced of the truth it teaches. They have not yet overcome material sense; they still have many conquests to make over self; the false beliefs of the world continue to present themselves before them in many forms, as temptations; all these intrude between the Christian Scientist and the simplicity of the truth. But, being forewarned, he is forearmed. The Christian Scientist should be well able to meet all such deterrents to progress by his understanding of the simple truth of God's perfection, omnipotence, and omnipresence, and man's perfect likeness to God, his heavenly Father-Mother.
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May 27, 1922 issue
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Availing Prayer
Now Is the Time
"Citizens of the world"
"Arise up quickly"
The Call to Freedom
"No death"
In a recent issue of your paper a correspondent made an...
W. Truman Green
By quoting a few lines taken from different pages of...
Charles E. Heitman
I am sure it has not escaped your readers' observation...
J. N. Van Patten
The upright and progressive merchant in disposing of his...
Willis D. McKinstry
The difference between Christianity, as taught and practiced...
William T. Finney
Christian Scientists will be grateful to the writer for his...
Mrs. Agnata F. Butler
The Demands of Spirit
Albert F. Gilmore
The Simplicity of Christian Science
Duncan Sinclair
"Lively stones"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from C. L. Walton, Ralph Coote, L. E. MacEwen, J. Meredith Hedegarde, Robert C. Gilmore
During the past thirty years it has been my privilege to...
Henry W. Knoche
From the time one of my children was six months old until...
Nellie L. Engle
With deep sincerity, and loving gratitude to God and to...
Frank L. Adams
I often think of the time when Christian Science first...
Nellie S. Atwood
Christian Science has done so much for me that I should...
Evidy M. Fox with contributions from Letitia D. Fox
I became interested in the teachings of Christian Science...
Edward C. Pfeffer with contributions from Mary Louise Pfeffer
It is with a heart filled to overflowing with gratitude that...
Katherine R. Ritter
Out of gratitude for what Christian Science has thus...
Alice Temple Mann
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. L. Warnshuis, Felix Adler, Thomas E. Calvert