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Christian Science healing is not identical with psychic...
Daily Herald
Christian Science healing is not identical with psychic healing, but the very opposite. The author of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy, makes it very plain that there is no relationship between the practice of Christian Science and mental suggestion; and on page 482 of that book she says: "Christian Science is the law of Truth, which heals the sick on the basis of the one Mind or God. It can heal in no other way, since the human, mortal mind so-called is not a healer, but causes the belief in disease."
Does the commonly accepted meaning of the term Christian Science mean that one who believes in the teachings of Christ Jesus and endeavors daily to practice them, even to the command, "Heal the sick," is not a Christian? Perhaps in the commonly accepted meaning of the term science, medical practice is considered scientific; but let us quote from Sir John Forbes, M. D., F. R. S., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London: "No systematic or theoretical classification of diseases or of any therapeutical agent ever yet promulgated is true, or anything like the truth, and none can be adopted as a safe guide in practice." The outstanding truth of the Old Testament, as well as that of the New, is the power of God to heal sin and disease; and individuals and nations were most healthy and prosperous when obeying His commands. A notable instance of a resort to material means is recorded in II Chronicles, sixteenth chapter: "And Asa ... was diseased in his feet, ... yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers." What Christian will deny that Jesus was the master Physician, and his deeds due to the application of a scientific understanding of God, and man as His likeness? We have no record of his prescribing medicine or diagnosing a single disease.
Knowing that truth is not apprehended until understood, Mrs. Eddy wrote as follows: "Were it more fully understood that Truth heals and that error causes disease, the opponents of a demonstrable Science would perhaps mercifully withhold their misrepresentations, which harm the sick; and until the enemies of Christian Science test its efficacy according to the rules which disclose its merits or demerits, it would be just to observe the Scriptural precept, 'Judge not'" (Science and Health, p. 344).
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May 27, 1922 issue
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Availing Prayer
Now Is the Time
"Citizens of the world"
"Arise up quickly"
The Call to Freedom
"No death"
In a recent issue of your paper a correspondent made an...
W. Truman Green
By quoting a few lines taken from different pages of...
Charles E. Heitman
I am sure it has not escaped your readers' observation...
J. N. Van Patten
The upright and progressive merchant in disposing of his...
Willis D. McKinstry
The difference between Christianity, as taught and practiced...
William T. Finney
Christian Scientists will be grateful to the writer for his...
Mrs. Agnata F. Butler
The Demands of Spirit
Albert F. Gilmore
The Simplicity of Christian Science
Duncan Sinclair
"Lively stones"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from C. L. Walton, Ralph Coote, L. E. MacEwen, J. Meredith Hedegarde, Robert C. Gilmore
During the past thirty years it has been my privilege to...
Henry W. Knoche
From the time one of my children was six months old until...
Nellie L. Engle
With deep sincerity, and loving gratitude to God and to...
Frank L. Adams
I often think of the time when Christian Science first...
Nellie S. Atwood
Christian Science has done so much for me that I should...
Evidy M. Fox with contributions from Letitia D. Fox
I became interested in the teachings of Christian Science...
Edward C. Pfeffer with contributions from Mary Louise Pfeffer
It is with a heart filled to overflowing with gratitude that...
Katherine R. Ritter
Out of gratitude for what Christian Science has thus...
Alice Temple Mann
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. L. Warnshuis, Felix Adler, Thomas E. Calvert