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Now Is the Time
In an Eastern city centuries ago two men met. One related that he had a servant at home who was ill with paralysis and in great pain. The other said he would go and cure him. But the first replied that he believed the other could cure the servant without waiting to go to him; and on displaying such faith, he was told that his servant was already healed. The story is well known. The one appealed to was Jesus; the other, the centurion; and the healing was instantaneous. The reason Jesus could heal instantly was because of his recognition of the presence of the healing Christ; and, accordingly, we are actually commanded by him to have that same Mind which was reflected in Christ Jesus. This recognition of the Christ also gives us the power to heal, proportionably to our understanding. To begin to obey is not a problem of time.
In the Bible, and in the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, there is nothing to indicate the necessity of waiting a certain time before dispelling the belief of disease. In destroying inharmonious conditions through Christian Science, it is exceedingly helpful constantly to recall the procedure of our Way-shower. We cannot think of Jesus saying that a particular disease must "run its course." He knew that the only course open to error is to destroy itself. "If the Scientist reaches his patient through divine Love," writes Mrs. Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 365), "the healing work will be accomplished at one visit, and the disease will vanish into its native nothingness like dew before the morning sunshine." But animal magnetism, so called, would try to persuade every Christian Science practitioner that quick healing is not to be expected. We should banish this suggestion of evil at once.
The story is told of a man crossing the ocean, who, after being on the ship for several days, was asked by a fellow-passenger why he ate his meals from a lunch basket, instead of going to the dining saloon. His reply was that he could not afford to eat with the other passengers, since it had taken all of his money to purchase the passage ticket. He was then assured that he did not have to pay for his meals, as they were included in the price of the ticket. Throughout the trip he had been living on the most meager fare, when right beside him was the cabin table spread with choice delicacies from the markets of the world; and from the beginning of the voyage a place had been reserved for him at the table. As soon as he saw his mistake he was freed from the thought of limitation, just as he would have been from the beginning, had he but known the truth of the situation.
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May 27, 1922 issue
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Availing Prayer
Now Is the Time
"Citizens of the world"
"Arise up quickly"
The Call to Freedom
"No death"
In a recent issue of your paper a correspondent made an...
W. Truman Green
By quoting a few lines taken from different pages of...
Charles E. Heitman
I am sure it has not escaped your readers' observation...
J. N. Van Patten
The upright and progressive merchant in disposing of his...
Willis D. McKinstry
The difference between Christianity, as taught and practiced...
William T. Finney
Christian Scientists will be grateful to the writer for his...
Mrs. Agnata F. Butler
The Demands of Spirit
Albert F. Gilmore
The Simplicity of Christian Science
Duncan Sinclair
"Lively stones"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from C. L. Walton, Ralph Coote, L. E. MacEwen, J. Meredith Hedegarde, Robert C. Gilmore
During the past thirty years it has been my privilege to...
Henry W. Knoche
From the time one of my children was six months old until...
Nellie L. Engle
With deep sincerity, and loving gratitude to God and to...
Frank L. Adams
I often think of the time when Christian Science first...
Nellie S. Atwood
Christian Science has done so much for me that I should...
Evidy M. Fox with contributions from Letitia D. Fox
I became interested in the teachings of Christian Science...
Edward C. Pfeffer with contributions from Mary Louise Pfeffer
It is with a heart filled to overflowing with gratitude that...
Katherine R. Ritter
Out of gratitude for what Christian Science has thus...
Alice Temple Mann
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. L. Warnshuis, Felix Adler, Thomas E. Calvert