time to time attention has been called to the need of exercising good judgment in the selection of the words we use in testifying at our Wednesday evening meetings, to make sure of being understood.
spiritual advance made by Abram after he left his father's home in Ur of the Chaldees was a great step from the confused mental atmosphere of many gods into the purer, clearer spiritual atmosphere of assured trust and confidence in the one God, and this God the living, guiding Principle,—ruling, beneficent divine Mind.
A recent issue contains an article on "Compulsory Vaccination of School Children" which may mislead some people as to the attitude of Christian Scientists on this point.
To go to church, "in order to get or remain well," or "to make one's business prosperous" is really not sufficient to attain the good fruits of healing and prosperity which Christian Science brings to its students.
Churches and societies in the United States proper and the Dominion of Canada that may wish to give lectures during the first two months of the next lecture year, namely, July or August, 1922, are requested to inform the Board of Lectureship, if possible, before June 1.
I would like to tell of a very slow healing, hoping it may help some one to cling steadfastly to the truth, even though a physical ailment seems to yield slowly.
Six years ago, while spending the winter on the western coast, I heard much about Christian Science and had many kind invitations to attend the services.
For nearly twenty years Christian Science has been our only physician, and in that time many ills have been overcome and eliminated through the understanding and application of the Christ, Truth.
While my heart is overflowing with gratitude, I wish to give thanks to God for all the peace and harmony that have come into my life and home through the understanding of what God is, as taught in Christian Science.
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