of the very frequent testimonies given by Christian Scientists at their Wednesday evening services relates to the changed aspect of the Scriptures when viewed in the light of Christian Science.
frequently are the words "grateful" and "gratitude" used by Christian Scientists in their daily conversations and in the Wednesday evening testimony meetings, that it is not unwise for us to take the time occasionally to let thought dwell upon the true meaning of gratitude, and to ask ourselves, Am I truly grateful?
truly wonderful, to those who loved the sacred Scriptures before coming to the study of Christian Science, is the new tongue therein revealed, whereby they are enabled to see the glory of the ever present God, good, who is meeting their needs to-day even as He did the needs of the children of Israel in the wilderness.
these days of world-adjustment, when the fighting armies of the nations seem to have been replaced by an army of the unemployed; when the high cost of living has placed a weighty burden on the shoulders of many patient and willing workers; when so-called mortal mind, in a self-pitying, poverty-fearing voice, is frequently heard complaining that everything is going out and little or nothing coming in, it behooves all who are endeavoring to "stand porter at the door of thought," as Mrs.
, be not sad: thou'rt not alone!E'er came the clouds, how brightly shoneThe sun o'er hill and valley fair:Behind those clouds the sun shines there!Ah, well we know, though mortal senseDoth hide God's holy immanence,Love still is here and guards us well.
Many person who are not attracted by Christian Science, possibly because they have not paid much attention to that doctrine, have a very high opinion of The Christian Science Monitor, a daily newspaper published in Boston, Massachusetts, by that church [The First Church of Christ, Scientist].
"Last Sunday, March 26, 1922, I returned refreshed, mentally and physically, from a four days' visit at the Christian Science Sanatorium, having taken advantage of the facilities offered there to the worker for quiet study and a complete change from daily routine.
teachings of the Bible on the necessity for willing obedience to the will of God, as expressed by His prophets and lawgivers, are numerous and explicit.
is difficult to understand the remarks one sometimes hears that Christian Scientists are lacking in those qualities of benevolence, philanthropy, and loving-kindness which are associated with what is known as humanitarianism.
thought of responsibility presents to the Christian Scientist two distinct and opposite phases, one true and the other false; one based on divine Principle, fixed and reliable, the other with its foundation on the sands of human opinion, shifting and unstable; one bringing in its train only good and its blessing, the other attended with disappointment and unhappiness.
For more than fourteen years Christian Science has been my only physician, and during this time it has been proved to me, over and over again, that the truth as revealed in Christian Science is indeed, as Mrs.
Such wonderful blessings have come to me through the understanding of Christian Science that it would be selfish, indeed, if I did not share with others the opportunity to rejoice with me in the demonstration of this wonderful truth.
Through Christian Science, which all may understand by a consecrated, careful study of the Bible together with "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, we may enter and enjoy the kingdom of heaven, harmony, with all the loving thoughts which are now benefiting all mankind; though there are many being benefited thereby who do not realize from whence their blessings come, and in many instances do not even realize that they have been the recipients of such blessings.
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