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When I think of my condition at the time I took up Christian Science,...
When I think of my condition at the time I took up Christian Science, it seems to me now that I was on the verge of insanity. I had rheumatism, and my feet had great lumps on the bottom, so that I could not wear leather shoes much of the time and could not walk any distance. I worried over a financial loss we had met with, until I did not care what became of me. All the medicines I heard of were tried, but my condition got worse instead of better.
My husband has two sisters who are Christian Scientists, and finally I wrote to one of them and asked her if Christian Science would help me. She answered that it surely would, so I began to study "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, which I had in the house. After a while understanding came and I could, to a small extent, apply its teachings to myself. A practitioner was employed and treatments were given me. My feet were better, and I began to be free from worry over past mistakes. My healing in some ways has been slow, but Christian Science has brought me peace of mind and a satisfaction I never knew before, and I cannot be thankful enough. I have two sons at home, sixteen and fourteen years of age, who are staunch adherents of Christian Science. I have been able to overcome many erroneous conditions for myself and my family and cannot express my thankfulness to Mrs. Eddy for giving the truth of Christ's mission to the world.
(Mrs.) Jeanette Weaver, Bronson, Mich.
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July 5, 1919 issue
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Transforming Prayer
Substance and Shadow
"Thy kingdom come"
Bearing Witness
One Step at a Time
Among the many opinions concerning Christian Science...
Charles M. Shaw
Extracts from Letters
Mary Miner Wheeler
The Kindly Seed
William P. McKenzie
Communion Services
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Ethel Price Gray, Alta Pledge Pew, C. Herbert Smith, Evelyn Clark, A. K. Stewart, George C. Atkins, Guy Parkhurst Estes, Frederick R. Rhodes, James Neil Hastings, W. A. Walthew, W. S. Sterrett, Carl W. Rawson, Gladys St. Clair
I first heard of Christian Science about six years ago, at...
George Filby with contributions from Claude Myles
Christian Science has been a great help to me both mentally...
Harriet F. Leonard
It is with a grateful heart that I relate additional evidence...
Robert J. Williams
I have found Christian Science indeed a haven of rest
C. J. Messersmith
With a heart full of love and gratitude to God for the...
Clara F. Poole
Many blessings have come to me through the study of...
Miriam Landrum
A short time ago my baby became very ill with a sore...
Jennetta Baty with contributions from Elizabeth Weir
I had always been in good health until about eight years...
F. A. Stegeman with contributions from Fred A. Stegeman
Four years ago I was led to the teachings of Christian Science
Ethel E. Hawken
With deep gratitude I give this testimony to the healing...
Clara B. Hansen
Christian Science was first brought to my notice about...
Fred Brooks Sparks
Signs of the Times
with contributions from E. S. Martin, Maude Royden, Ozora S. Davis, E. E. Holmes, Robert Hopkin, Wolsey