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The words from the ninety-first psalm
The words from the ninety-first psalm, "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee," also the statement from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy (p. 385), "Whatever it is your duty to do, you can do without harm to yourself," were the means of comforting and protecting me while serving with the Canadians in France. On one occasion, during a very heavy bombardment of our position, the realization of the truth as set forth in the definition of man on page 475 of Science and Health became so clear that all fear was overcome, replaced by a sense of the nearness and loving care of the infinite Mind. Shortly afterwards the bombardment ceased. I then found that a very heavy enemy attack had failed completely, and only one man in my company received a wound and that was a very slight scratch from a splinter. This was considered remarkable, but I knew it was due to the protecting power of Truth and my heart went out in thankfulness to God and in gratitude to Mrs. Eddy. I had just finished reading the Lesson-Sermon one day when a large shell landed in the midst of five of us but failed to explode.
In August, 1917, my battalion was in an extremely difficult position, under shell fire continuously for sixty hours with very little protection and practically cut off from all supplies. We had no sleep or rest during this time. The words from Science and Health (p. 33) relating to Jesus' disciples were literally fulfilled: "Their bread indeed came down from heaven. It was the great truth of spiritual being, healing the sick and casting out error. Their Master had explained it all before, and now this bread was feeding and sustaining them." When we had been relieved and were looking forward to a much needed rest a violent attack was launched against us, and almost before I realized what it all meant there was the blinding flash of a shell bursting near my feet. For a time everything was blank, but the next thing I knew I was declaring that there is no death and God is my Life, over and over. I did not lose consciousness after this but grew calm, and a great sense of gratitude for the protecting power of Truth came to me like a refreshing draught. To mortal sense I was seriously injured, but I clung to the truth of being. Although the journey from the trenches to the hospital took about twelve hours by all kinds of conveyances, I felt very little inconveniece. I thought it wise to ask for help from a Christian Science practitioner, which was lovingly given, and after that I was relieved from all pain. The nurses and doctors were very much surprised at my quick recovery.
I wish to thank all the friends who made it possible for me to get the Christian Science literature regularly while in France; it was a priceless blessing. For these and countless other blessings I am very grateful to Christian Science.
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December 28, 1918 issue
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"The balance of power"
Singleness of Purpose
God Revealed
One of the speakers at the Wesleyan rally is reported as...
Frederick R. Rhodes
Rarely is one allowed the doubtful privilege of reading a...
Robert G. Steel
Be Men
William P. McKenzie
Conviction by Truth
Annie M. Knott
Readjustment after the War
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from Guy Parkhurst Estes, Edith Swift, Charles W. Leavitt, J. W. Wentsel
As a student of Christian Science many blessings have...
Minnie A. Scott
The words from the ninety-first psalm
Laurie H. Lakeman
After losing two children in one year under materia medica,...
Mable G. Jameson
Having suffered "many things of many physicians," I am...
W. J. Tremaine
I am so thankful that I have learned of the ever presence...
Jessie M. Jaques
This testimony is sent in gratitude for what Christian Science...
Myrtle G. Custer
The golden text of a Lesson-Sermon, "Withhold not good...
Maud B. Warren
In 1905 I took up the study of Christian Science, not...
E. S. Hirtzel
For over nineteen years I have been interested in Christian Science,...
Millie Haines with contributions from John Henry Haines
It is seven years since I began the study of Christian Science...
Adelaide Dickinson
After witnessing the healing of my wife through reading...
S. F. Caughey with contributions from Ottilie B. Caughey
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Clarence True Wilson