The two different accounts of creation as given in the first...

Hastings (Neb.) Tribune

The two different accounts of creation as given in the first and second chapters of Genesis are always interesting. After the young student of the Bible, who may be old in years, has had his attention called to the fact that in the first chapter God creates man in His own image and likeness, while in the second the Lord God made man from "the dust of the ground," he becomes interested in reading the chapter on Genesis in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy.

Without entering into detailed criticism of the definitions given by your correspondent, we assume that Webster's dictionary will be regarded as standard authority, and we find there that a Christian is "one who believes, or professes or is assumed to believe, in Jesus Christ, and the truth as taught by him." Surely this definition is broad enough to permit its use by Christian Scientists, for however much our friends may differ from us as to what Jesus taught, and however much they may deprecate the emphasis we place on the commands of Jesus to heal the sick, surely it is only a difference of opinion as to the teachings of Jesus, and cannot be augmented into a deprivation of our right to be properly included under the definition given by Webster for the word Christian.

Again, science is defined as "knowledge of principles and causes," "ascertained truth or facts." This leads us again simply into a difference of opinion as to what truth is, which is a question as old as the ages, and under the dogma laid down in the article under review two hundred and forty-nine out of a possible two hundred and fifty religious organizations in the world would be deprived of the use of the word truth.

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