As the result of experiments carried out by a Swedish paper expert, it has been ascertained that Argentina produces in abundance a tree which provides excellent raw material, better even in quality than that usually employed in making paper pulp in either the United States or Europe.
twenty-first chapter of Revelation is one of the most inspiring chapters in the whole Bible, describing as it does the "new Jerusalem," which metaphysically interpreted stands for the perfect spiritual consciousness.
The editorial entitled "Unskilled Tampering with Human Ailments," which appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association recently, and which was reprinted with brief comments in your paper, contained the latest device of this association for obtaining control of all efforts to prevent or cure disease.
A sermon entitled "The Truth about Christian Science," reported in a recent issue of the Record, contains so many misstatements that it should not pass without correction.
In the Weekly Reporter of recent date you indulge in a good-natured joke on Christian Scientists because, while they hold that pain is an illusion, you "have never seen one yet who would not drop a hot poker just as if it were the real thing.
In a recent issue of the News, a contributor whose good intentions are obvious, unfortunately attempted an explanation of Christian Science which might create with your readers the impression that autosuggestion is the most efficient factor in its healing work, whereas it would be difficult to find two subjects more diametrically opposed to each other.
The statement in a recent issue, by an evangelist, that Christian Scientists do not know how to pray, voices a notion sometimes held by those who judge superficially.
question which is always on the lips of those who have for the first time seen and felt the works of Christian Science, is in a sense similar to that which John's messengers conveyed to Christ Jesus in regard to the validity of his claim to the Messiahship.
conversing with people of different nationalities we are often met with the statement that the native tongue of the one with whom we are talking is the best on earth, that it is the most poetical, or that it expresses ideas with greater accuracy than does any other.
with contributions from James E. Kelley, William S. Crowell, John W. Greer, Henry Deutsch, A. G. Fay, J. L. Beall of Fresno, Frank J. Linsley, J. B. Patterson, A. H. Marcou, John Edwards Bray
After nearly five years in Christian Science without one dose of medicine for myself or my two children, I feel it a privilege as well as a pleasure to tell others of some of my blessings.
About twelve years ago, after seven years of illness, during which she passed through a surgical operation and was treated by various doctors of different schools, my mother was at last pronounced hopelessly ill, a noted nerve specialist of Chicago having said that she would be helpless and melancholy to the end of her days.
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with contributions from James E. Kelley, William S. Crowell, John W. Greer, Henry Deutsch, A. G. Fay, J. L. Beall of Fresno, Frank J. Linsley, J. B. Patterson, A. H. Marcou, John Edwards Bray