[Written for the Sentinel]

"None good but one"

Hadst thou the power, wouldst thou do aught
But send thy children love,
Fill to the brim the hung'ring hearts
With bounty from above,—
If thou wert God?

Couldst thou lay babe on mother's breast
And, as their joy was born,
Snatch back again that treasure sweet
Or leave the babe forlorn,—
If thou wert Life?

Couldst thou ere birth thy children curse
With heritage of sin,
Build evil in their temple walls
And foul make all within,—
If thou wert Truth?

The law of love is God's one law,
And none need be afraid,
For every child of God by Him
Was in His image made,
For God is Love.

The real man of Spirit born
Is not of Adam brood,
Not earth of earth, not dust to dust,
God's man and God are good,
For God is good.

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