It is well known that the Christian Science movement has...

Boston (Mass.) Post

It is well known that the Christian Science movement has made steady progress despite a clamor of opposition. It was hardly to be expected that the representatives of established churches would unanimously welcome this new and potent factor in the field of religious endeavor, but some of them have done so, and many others have shown varying degrees of recognition or tolerance. On the other hand, a few members of the clerical profession have vied with each other in an effort to put the utmost abuse of Mrs. Eddy and Christian Science into their declamations, and into the reports thereof prepared for the press.

Last Saturday [March 6] the Post gave space and prominence to a verbal assault on Mrs. Eddy and Christian Science by a local clergyman who has heretofore exhausted the possibilities of language in efforts of a similar character. If his opinions of Mrs. Eddy and Christian Science were just or true, their truth and justice would have been generally known and acknowledged long ago, and he would have been spared the trouble of reiterating them. But his views of Mrs. Eddy and Christian Science are so biased and distorted that they have but little relation to what is actual or true.

The manner in which sectarian bitterness may take possession of a man who has been ordained to be a minister of the gospel, but feels called to undertake the "disagreeable duty" of denouncing Mrs. Eddy, can be illustrated by a paragraph from the published statement to which this letter refers. After speaking of two persons for whom Christian Science failed to cure cancer and heart disease, the reverend gentleman went on as follows: "Who killed them? Mrs. Eddy did, just as surely as if she had stabbed them with a dagger."

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