The Lectures

The Christian Science Monitor

George Shaw Cook on Monday evening [Oct. 11] delivered a lecture entitled "God is Good," under the auspices of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in the church edifice at Falmouth, Norway, and St. Paul Streets. H. Cornell Wilson, first reader, in introducing him said:—

As never before, mankind is becoming aware that the human mind engenders all strife, and is responsible as well for sin, sickness, and disease; but the source of relief from these self-imposed burdens is not so generally realized. To those, however, who have turned to Christian Science, the way of freedom has become an assured reality. In Christian Science it is found that the divine Mind, or God, is man's true and final recourse. Divine Mind is our sure means of deliverance; and through this Mind we gain dominion over the false human mind which has brought about the moral and physical undoing of humanity.

The world has great solace in the fact that thousands after thousands have already sought and found in Christian Science that effectual release from sin, sickness, and disease which is felt to be so great a need; demonstrating also that this divine help "is no respecter of persons," but is for all. The earnest inquiry for information about Christian Science, felt everywhere, is being answered here tonight by our lecturer, who is able to present clearly what Christian Science can do and is doing for those who seek it.—The Christian Science Monitor.

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In April, 1906, the greatest trouble and the greatest...
October 23, 1915

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