Christian Science came into my life about a year ago, and...

Christian Science came into my life about a year ago, and since then has wrought such a radical change in me that I can truly affirm that it surely heals, if sincerely and diligently followed. Reared by Christian parents, I went to Sunday school like other children, but at length rebelled against the incongruity of the teachings expounded. I recall asking my teacher why the miracles of the Bible did not occur today, but there was no satisfactory answer. I therefore dropped from church and religious life, and my parents had nothing better to offer me. With this religious vacuum, if I may use the phrase, I turned my energy to education, to the natural sciences, and on them started to build my structure of life. I studied and became proficient in several branches, and was content with my store of self-gained knowledge, little realizing that I was building without knowing the basic Principle, the very foundation of all else,—that of Truth, or good.

So this Babel-tower grew, then ceased to grow, then tottered. My life structure was nearly wrecked by breakdown, by mental strain, nervous exhaustion, and a gloom that seemed unfathomable. Constantly losing ground, I groped in the darkness for a something on which to build aright, for a relief from the oppression which was now manifest mentally, morally, physically; but I used the wrong weapons, for I tried will-power, dogged determination, and sharp sarcasm. I made no progress. On the surface, as if by mockery, I appeared a happy man.

Life at this stage had become despicable. Link after link of the false chain gave way. My eyes almost failed me,—to face direct artificial light was impossible, and to read by it, as I readily do now, not to be considered. It is, however, darkest just before the dawn. The light came slowly; it was a genial warmth, and was called Christian Science. Just as any growing thing reaches out for sunshine and light, so I reached for this truth, new to me. I was first drawn to Christian Science through reading an adverse article, a libelous one. By its very vindictiveness I was convinced that an injustice had been done, so I handed the article to a Christian Scientist, and the fair, unruffled comment given in reply made me resolve to look further into the subject.

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Testimony of Healing
"And it shall come to pass in the day that the Lord shall...
October 23, 1915

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