In April, 1906, the greatest trouble and the greatest...

In April, 1906, the greatest trouble and the greatest blessing came into my life. As I was making an Easter dress for one of my little girls, word was brought me that my husband, who had left me that morning well and happy, had met with a fatal accident. The news brought a host of kind-hearted people, anxious to comfort me, but all they could say was that it was God's will and I must be resigned. I however vigorously denied that God had anything to do with it, saying that if I believed such a thing I could never pray again.

Among those who came were only two who did not tell me that God had done this thing. I noticed it at the time and was thankful for it. Later, one of these people came to see me, and I asked her a question. I had heard her say several times to herself, as she was standing by the bier, "There is no death." So I said to her, "Why did you keep on saying 'There is no death'? Surely you could see that he was dead." For answer she put a book into my hands, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and it was then that the greatest blessing came into my life. Long after others had ceased to think about my sorrow, these two still came; the husband, though a very busy man, giving me help in straightening out my affairs; the wife cheering and comforting me. In the apostle's words, "Pure religion and undefiled before God ... is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

I wanted to know more of a religion that could make people so kind, so I sat up half the night reading the book which had been handed to me. The first thing which impressed me was that it was written in beautiful English, and on going back several times and rereading the same chapter, a small ray of understanding began to filter into my consciousness. "Why, God does not send trouble," I exclaimed; "that is just what I have been holding on to all these years." The next Sunday I went to the Christian Science church, and have been attending it ever since. That was eight years ago, and although my growth has been slow, still I have been enabled to overcome seemingly insurmountable difficulties. There has been much seeming opposition to meet, but as I come into a clearer knowledge of the truth through the study of our text-book, I am learning that there is in reality nothing to meet but God's love.

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Testimony of Healing
After a long period of waiting I feel that I must testify...
October 23, 1915

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