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Christian Scientists derive their authority to heal from the...
Utica (N. Y.) Press
Christian Scientists derive their authority to heal from the Founder of the Christian religion, who not only healed all manner of sickness and deformity, but taught others to do likewise, assuring them that their ability to heal the sick would be one of the "signs" of discipleship to which he referred. If the understanding of God healed the sick in the first century, it can heal them today, for God has not changed. He is "the same yesterday, and today, and forever."
It might be well for our critic to know that Christian Science has been practised for nearly fifty years, and that during this time it has not been proved in a single instance that Christian Science has been responsible for the spread of disease. Indeed, because of the tendency of many to misjudge what they do not understand, Christian Scientists are usually more careful than any other class of people to observe all reasonable sanitation and quarantine regulations.
Christian Science has frequently been called upon in cases of contagious diseases that have been given up by physicians as hopelessly incurable, and it has restored the sufferers to perfect health. Furthermore, it is the only physician in thousands upon thousands of homes throughout the world, and the efficacy of its treatment is evidenced by the fact that failures under its ministration seldom occur.
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June 27, 1914 issue
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The Laborer's Hire
All That the Father Hath
"That which is past"
The Day of Miracles
There can, I think, be no doubt that the Rev. Mr.—'s...
Frederick Dixon
Christian Scientists derive their authority to heal from the...
H. Cornell Wilson
That the Rev. Mr.—should classify Christian Science...
Thomas F. Watson
Doubtless many of your readers have been greatly interested...
George Shaw Cook
The Test
"Let patience have her perfect work"
Archibald McLellan
Man's Unlimited Endowment
John B. Willis
Love Impartial and Universal
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
Bliss Knapp with contributions from DeWitt McMurray, G. G. Gibbs , Clarence C. Eaton, A. D. Aiken, D. Wray DePrez
In November, 1905, I underwent a double operation for...
Alma B. Wightman
It is difficult to express in words my thankfulness to God...
George W. Turner
I am very thankful for what Christian Science has done...
Sallie A. Geiger with contributions from Harry G. Geiger
This testimony is written with a sense of deep gratitude...
Johanne Gehrmann
I consider it my duty as well as a great privilege to testify...
William B. Asten
When I look back and compare the past with the present...
Samuel P. Brannan
Arising at Dawn
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Charles C. Albertson, R. J. Campbell, W. F. Skerrye