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About eight years ago I turned to Christian Science when...
About eight years ago I turned to Christian Science when in deep distress. Although brought up in a Christian church, where I was a regular attendant, and though I was a Bible student, my understanding of God was not sufficient to sustain me in the hour of need, so I turned to Christian Science. From that time until now it has been my pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night, guiding and sustaining me through many trials. It has led me out of bondage to sickness, worry, and fear, into a land of glorious liberty. Since I first began the study of Christian Science, Truth has been my only physician. Before I became interested in this teaching, I had been a semiinvalid, subject to severe headaches, and many days were spent in a dark room on account of them; but as my understanding has grown, these have gradually disappeared, and it has been more than three years since I have been troubled with one.
Christian Science is the greatest blessing to me and to my family. My youngest daughter was quite young when we came into Science, and it has protected her wonderfully from contagion, accidents, etc. Recently we had an experience which has made us more grateful than ever for this saving truth. Near the end of the school term, the little girl came home from school with a card from the examining physician saying that her eyesight was very defective, also that her throat needed attention. In a few days the school nurse called to urge the necessity of our giving this matter immediate attention, and later two men called, one of them the school physician. We were leaving for the country the next day, and I immediately took up treatment for my daughter. I also had her declare the truth as she is taught to do in the Christian Science Sunday school. The day after we returned from the country, the physician again called. I invited him to come in and examine my daughter, which he declined to do, saying that he did not have his instruments with him, but when leaving he told me to be sure to have her eyes attended to that week. The next day, I took her to the physician to whom we went before coming into Science. I explained my reason for coming to see him, and told him the verdict of the school physician. He examined her thoroughly, and then said, "This child is in perfect physical condition." He also gave me a certificate to that effect. A few days later the same school physician examined my daughter and did not recognize her. Later, the nurse called and I showed her the certificate. She caught sight of The Christian Science Monitor, which was lying on the table, and from her expression I think she could understand why my daughter was well. The little girl has never had a return of the inflammation of the eyes, and although she reads from the time she is up in the morning until she retires at night, the sight seems to be entirely normal.
We have had many instantaneous healings in our home during the past eight years. I realize that the most sincere gratitude is expressed in the daily life, therefore I am trying to show by my life what Christian Science has done for me.
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May 23, 1914 issue
View Issue-
What Constitutes Friendship?
The Calendar of Mind
Song of Truth
"Passing through the midst of them"
Unfettered Truth
Truth's Ministry
A recent article on healing by suggestion raises many...
Frederick Dixon
A sermon on "Jesus, the Teacher and Healer," recently...
W. C. Williams
A recent issue contains a report of a sermon preached not...
Duncan Sinclair
The right note was struck in the editorial of a recent issue,...
Clinton B. Burgess
"In quiet resting-places"
So-called Preventive Medicine
Archibald McLellan
"Search the scriptures"
Annie M. Knott
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from F. M. Hedges, John M. Dean, J. F. Wellington, Jr., Robert Arnold Hunter
When I went to a Christian Science practitioner for relief...
Edmund J. Bowers
A long time since, while living in California, I fell in the...
Ellen Jane Wilding with contributions from Hephzibah H. Wilding
About eight years ago I turned to Christian Science when...
Elizabeth Hatch
Christian Science was brought to my attention nearly...
Alexander Stone
As I look back over the last three years and see the steady...
Mae T. Van Horn
For several years I have desired to acknowledge through...
Sarah Tullis with contributions from Eunice Fincher
It is with a sense of gratitude deeper than words can...
Estella Laraba with contributions from Jenne Morrow Long, Martin Luther
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell, T. Rhondda Williams, Robert F. Coyle