day a Christian Scientist who had recently passed through a somewhat trying experience was leaving the home of a practitioner just as another student of Christian Science was entering it.
A recent critic says that I will be surprised to hear that my previous letter, which you published, has done more to convince him that Christian Science has less in common with the Bible than anything he has yet read.
As the opinion expressed by our critic is a personal one and fails to represent the mature judgment of a very considerable population in other countries as well as here, I will ask your permission to state briefly wherein Christian Science differs from this gentleman's mistaken concept of it.
In one of your issues I note a very commendable editorial respecting the changed methods of religious activity and the nearer approximation of present-day Christian workers to the idea of divine compassion as set forth in the golden rule.
master artist, with sure hand,His long brush-strokes of rose and grayHas swept across the evening sky;A hush falls on the evening landAs daylight slips awayIn perfect blend of tint and tone;The little vagrant breezes sigh:How soft the shadows are!Above the tree-tops, bright and lone,Out slips one star!
the fourth chapter of Acts we read that after Peter and John had been released by the high priest and his kindred, and they and "their own company" had prayed, "they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.
Lewiston, Maine,—At a meeting this evening [June 12] of the members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Auburn, final action was taken on the purchase of the Friends church edifice on College street in Lewiston.
with contributions from Frank W. Waters, F. Elmo Robinson, Carrie Young , S. S. Cooper, J. C. Campbel, Malcolm D. Jones, J. W. Doorly, B. W. Hardy, Charles G. Starks
About three thousand people heard the two lectures on Christian Science delivered by Judge Clifford P.
It was in the summer of 1908 that I first learned something of Christian Science, and since then I have every reason to be grateful for the healing and regenerating benefits which the teachings of Mrs.
I hope I may be permitted to join in the song of thanksgiving and praise for this wonderful truth, trusting that some one may glean at least a crumb of comfort from my experience.
George R. Steuart
with contributions from Alice Bannister Steuart
In the sixteen years that I have been in Christian Science I have neglected to speak of my blessings through the Sentinel, but I now feel that I should tell of my manifold benefits and not hide my light under a bushel.
When I first heard of Christian Science, I was in bondage to error, both physically and mentally; but by the help of a practitioner and the study of the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
An editorial in the Christian Science Sentinel prompted me to state my experience in the proof that divine Mind is always conscious, is indeed the only real consciousness.
As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.
with contributions from Frank W. Waters, F. Elmo Robinson, Carrie Young , S. S. Cooper, J. C. Campbel, Malcolm D. Jones, J. W. Doorly, B. W. Hardy, Charles G. Starks