After a three-years test of Christian Science as a curative...

After a three-years test of Christian Science as a curative system and a demonstrable religion, I rejoice to add my testimony to those weekly appearing in our Sentinel. For many years I had been a teacher, and as years rolled on and found me still at the work, I had accumulated many of the physical ills to which people in that profession are supposed to be liable. I had suffered long with a stomach disorder, extreme nervousness, headaches, which often kept me in bed for days at a time, trouble with my eyes, which necessitated the constant use of glasses, with sleeplessness and general weariness. I doctored continually and thus kept at my work, which I loved though it was too often a burden, owing to my poor health.

Finally I resigned my position, and after some months spent in study came to California, hoping that a complete change of climate and conditions would enable me to take up my work again, but the spring of 1907 found me far worse instead of better, and in a seemingly hopeless, melancholy state. I had faithfully tried medicine, dieting, massage, fresh air, change, and rest, and each and all had failed me utterly and completely. I could neither eat nor sleep and had the prospect to face of remaining a burden to myself and, what was far worse, a burden to those dear to me.

In my extremity, like many another hopeless pilgrim, I turned to Christian Science, and I thank our loving Father that I found my help. I went to a practitioner for treatment, and from the first there were enough "signs following" to prove to me the power of Truth, so that I began to feel hope again. The many forms of stomach trouble were relieved, and I could eat without fear. I began to sleep better, and in a short time I put aside my glasses (which I had worn steadily for many years) and have never put them on again. Had I received no other blessing but normal eyesight I should have much for which to give thanks. In spite of all these improvements fear still seemed to hold me in bondage, and for many weary moths the conflict went on to conquer the nervousness and melancholy. At times the struggle was so great it seemed as if I could not live any longer, but ever in the darkest hours the blessed sense of Truth and Love, expressed through some devoted practitioner, carried me through the deep waters, added to my stock of hope and understanding, and at last I realized my freedom. Today I am strong and well, happy, and am "rejoicing in the affluence of our God" (Science and Health, p. 140). I am thankful even for the long and fiery trial that taught me God's way, for had my healing been speedy the calls of materiality might have lured me away and I should not now know the blessedness of daily living in God.

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Testimony of Healing
It is a blessed privilege to give a testimony to the healing...
January 13, 1912

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