indisputable logic of Christian Science is rapidly dissipating the superficial argument of theologians, that because God is all-knowing He must be conscious of evil.
first few years in Christian Science are sometimes spent in overcoming error, in demonstrating over the illusions of sense and in the elimination of the material sense of selfhood.
by human passions of the nature and origin of which she was entirely ignorant, a child of six years turned on her mother with the fretful complaint that the afternoon's outing from which she had just returned had not given her "a bit of pleasure.
When I was at school, one of the teachers with whom I studied geometry used to impress upon the class that before attempting the solution of any problem, the first necessity is to get a thoroughly clear understanding of what it is that has to be done.
Christian Science is sometimes misunderstood, and criticized accordingly, but when it is learned that its one and only mission is to teach mortals to open their eyes to a divine heritage, to behold the spiritual verities as their natural possession, and to make plain the way in which they may be appropriated, then this criticism will be turned to gratitude, and no longer will they school their minds to resist in every way this potent fact which is knocking at their doors.
another column we publish a short report of the speech recently delivered by Senator Works of California, before the United States Senate, in refutation of misstatements which have been made concerning the League for Medical Freedom.
beginner in Christian Science is sometimes startled when he finds statements in the Bible which parallel those of the Christian Science text-book, but which he had never understood until he began to study the latter.
The laying of the corner-stone of the new edifice of First Church of Christ, Scientist, at the corner of Ninth and Bluff streets, took place Saturday morning [June 3] at half past six o'clock.
So eagerly have I scanned the testimonials of healing in the Christian Science periodicals that I can no longer withhold an acknowledgment of Truth's healing power.
In an article in The Christian Science Monitor, these words occur: "There is something that can be done; we do not have to fold our hands and be resigned to error.
From the time I was ten years old I suffered from spasms of the stomach, which kept growing more severe, and twice I had hemorrhages from the stomach, so that I seemed to be on the brink of the grave.
It is with deepest gratitude that I express the great benefits I have derived from Christian Science, which reveals Truth as the only permanent health-giving power.
After some delay, I now come forward to give my testimony as to what Christian Science has done for me, and to pay a just tribute to its Discoverer, Mrs.
I have long felt that I should express in some way my gratitude for Christian Science and all that it has done for my daughter and myself, but it has always seemed difficult to find words that would even in a small way tell what I feel.
To grow a little wiser day by day,To school my mind and body to obey,To keep my inner life both clean and strong,To free my heart from guile, my hands from wrong,To shut the door on hate and scorn and pride;To open them to love,—the windows wide,To meet with cheerful heart what comes to me,To turn life's discords into harmony;To share some weary worker's heavy load,To point some straying comrade to the road;To know that what I have is not my own,To feel that I am never quite alone;Be this my prayer, my task from day to day!
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